Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Overview ...........................................2
About these instructions ..................5
Safety instructions ...........................5
Navigation safety instructions ................... 5
Safety instructions for handling the Lucca 5
Using the CD/DVD .................................... 5
Using the Lucca for the fi rst time ....6
Lucca scope of delivery ............................ 6
Protective touch screen foil ...................... 6
Turning the Lucca on ................................ 6
Selecting your language ............................ 6
Charging the battery .........................7
Installing the Lucca into a car ..........7
Attaching the suction cup holder ........... 7
Removing the suction cup holder .......... 7
Connecting the Lucca to the suction
cup holder ............................................. 8
Removing the Lucca ............................... 8
Turning the Lucca On/Off .................8
Turning the Lucca On/Off ...................... 8
Activating / deactivating sleep mode ..... 8
The MENU button .............................9
Quick Settings ....................................... 9
Additional functions ............................... 9
Using the navigation menus ...........10
Onscreen keyboard ................................. 10
Lists ........................................................ 10
Buttons ................................................... 10
Controller ............................................... 10
Information on GPSs ......................11
View GPS info ......................................... 11
Time synchronisation .............................. 11
Navigation .......................................12
General navigation information .............. 12
Start navigating ...................................... 12
Entering a destination .......................... 12
Home ................................................... 12
Show map ............................................ 12
Route ................................................... 12
Settings................................................ 12
Viewing GPS info ................................. 13
Close menu ......................................... 13
Basic settings ......................................... 13
Selecting your time zone ..................... 13
Entering your home address ................ 13
Entering a destination............................. 14
Selecting a destination
from the History ...................................... 15
Entering coordinates .............................. 15
Selecting a Point Of Interest (POI) ......... 16
Activate/deactivate POIs ...................... 17
Show/hide POIs ................................... 17
Selecting a destination from your
Favourites ............................................... 17
Organise Favourites ............................. 18
Search Favourites ................................ 18
Using your home address as a
destination .............................................. 18
Selecting a destination from the map ..... 18
Moving the map ................................... 18
Minimising/maximising the map .......... 19
Entering Way Points ................................ 19
Editing a route ..................................... 19
Entering a route on the map ................ 19
Deleting a Way Point from the map ..... 20
Administrating destinations ...........20
Saving a destination (Favourites only) .... 20
Renaming a destination (Favourites only) .. 20
Deleting a destination (Favourites only) .. 21
Deleting the entire destinations list
(History only) .......................................... 21
Pins .................................................21
Placing a pin ........................................... 21
Deleting a pin ......................................... 21
Deleting all pins ...................................... 21
Lucca33_EE_long_GB.indd 3Lucca33_EE_long_GB.indd 3 12.07.2007 13:15:56 Uhr12.07.2007 13:15:56 Uhr

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