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EQ ON/OFF Switches the equalizer
functions on and off.
HIGH EQ Equalizer setting:
To activate the frequencies
and set the level for the up-
per frequency range.
Refer to the section on
“Equalizer setting”.
HICUT Reduces interference under
poor reception conditions by
cutting the treble.
Select “NO HI-CUT” or
“HI-CUT 1, 2 or 3”.
3 = cuts the treble the most.
LO-DX Adjusts seek tuning sensiti-
“LO” stands for local recepti-
“DX” stands for distant re-
Select “LO 3” if you want to
receive strong stations in
the local area, select “DX 1”
if you want to tune into wea-
ker stations which are furt-
her away.
LOW EQ Equalizer setting:
To activate the frequencies
and set the level for the lo-
wer frequency range.
Refer to the section on
“Equalizer setting”.
LOUDNESS Loudness boosts the bass
frequencies at low volume.
LOUD 1 - Low boost
LOUD 6 - Max. boost
MUTE It is possible to lower the au-
dio volume quickly at the
touch of a button. Here you
can program the volume to
which the audio will drop.
PEAK PEAK ON: Displays the dy-
namics of the music signal.
PEAK OFF: Permanent dis-
play for the volume
PTY LANG Allows you to select bet-
ween German and English
for the display of the pro-
gramme types.
REG To listen to a regional radio
programme outside of its
RDS transmission range,
switch on “REG ON”.
For full RDS service, switch
to “REG OFF”.
SCANTIME Use this function to set the
scan time for the radio or
CD player from 5 to 20 se-
SHARX Activates automatic interme-
diate frequency bandwidth
switching for FM.
In areas where there is a
large number of radio stati-
ons on the air, switch to
“SHARX ON” to reduce in-
terference from adjacent ra-
dio stations.
MONO Switches between stereo
and mono manually. The
mode selected will appear
briefly in the display. The
car audio system will select
“STEREO” playback auto-
matically each time it is swit-
ched on.
TA. VOL Adjusts the volume for traffic
announcements and the
warning beep.
The message will be heard
at this volume, if the stan-
dard volume is lower.
If the standard volume is set
higher than the TA VOL le-
vel, then the traffic report
will be played at the stan-
dard volume.
BA DavHanSt.MorRDM169 gb 95% 17.06.2002, 12:43 Uhr56

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Andere handleiding(en) van Blaupunkt Davos rdm 169

Blaupunkt Davos rdm 169 Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 5 pagina's

Blaupunkt Davos rdm 169 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 31 pagina's

Blaupunkt Davos rdm 169 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 31 pagina's

Blaupunkt Davos rdm 169 Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch, English - 5 pagina's

Blaupunkt Davos rdm 169 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 32 pagina's

Blaupunkt Davos rdm 169 Installatiehandleiding - Français, Italiano, Português, Espanôl, Svenska - 5 pagina's

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