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To reduce the risk of fi re, electric shock or
damage to the television, do not expose it to
dust, rain or moisture, or place any objects fi lled
with liquids on or near the television.
Do not place the television in a confi ned space,
ensure that nothing can obstruct the ventilation
openings at the rear of the television.
Dispose of this television and any components
including batteries in an environmentally friendly
manner. If in doubt, please contact your local
authority for details of recycling.
For your safety, this appliance is fi tted with a
fused moulded 3 pin mains plug. Should the
fuse need to be replaced, ensure that any
replacement is of the same amperage and
approved with the BSI mark.
Never try and replace the mains plug unless
you have adequate qualifi cations and are
legally authorised to do so. In the event that a
replacement Mains cable is required, contact the
manufacturer for a suitable replacement.
Never use the television if it is damaged in
any way.
Always place the television on a fl at level surface
avoiding anywhere which may be subject to
strong vibration.
Ensure the television is not placed on top of the
power cable as the weight of the television may
damage the cable and cause a safety hazard.
Never place mobile phones, speakers or any
other device which may cause magnetic or radio
interference with the television. If interference
is apparent, move the device causing the
interference away from the television.
To disconnect the apparatus from the mains,
please use the switch located on the underside/
rear of the TV. The switch shall remain readily
When installing on a wall, ensure the TV is at
least 5cm from the wall for ventilation
To clean this unit, wipe with a soft, dry cloth. If
the surfaces are extremely dirty, use a soft cloth
dipped in a soap and water solution or a weak
detergent solution.
Never use alcohol, paint thinner or benzene to
clean this unit.
Before using a chemically treated cloth, read the
instructions that came with the cloth carefully.
CAUTION: If water or other liquid enters the
television through the display panel surface, a
malfunction may occur.
The safest way to transport your item is in
the original box/packaging - please save your
packaging for this.
You will need original box/packaging in the
event of warranty/service repair or support. We
are unable to carry out warranty/service if you
are unable to package it correctly.
To prevent spread of fi re,
keep candles or other open
ames away from this
product at all times
Please read these instructions. All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the
appliance is operated.
User Guide - BLA-MAN-0174, 23-157I, 23-157J.indd Sec1:4User Guide - BLA-MAN-0174, 23-157I, 23-157J.indd Sec1:4 11/22/2013 4:34:47 PM11/22/2013 4:34:47 PM

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