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Intended use
This Black & Decker tool has been designed to aid in locating
live wires operating at mains voltage (230 V AC) and metal
pipes behind internal walls. This tool is intended for consumer
use only.
Safety instructions
Warning! When using battery-powered tools, basic safety
precautions, including the following, should always be
followed to reduce the risk of fire, leaking batteries,
personal injury and material damage.
Read all of this manual carefully before operating the tool.
Retain this manual for future reference.
Keep work area clean
Cluttered areas and benches can cause accidents.
Consider work area environment
Do not expose the tool to rain. Do not use the tool in damp or
wet conditions. Keep the work area well lit. Do not use the
tool where there is a risk of causing fire or explosion, e.g. in
the presence of flammable liquids and gases.
Keep children away
Do not allow children, visitors or animals to come near the
work area or to touch the tool.
Do not overreach
Keep proper footing and balance at all times.
Stay alert
Watch what you are doing. Use common sense.
Do not operate the tool when you are tired.
Use appropriate tool
The intended use is described in this instruction manual.
Warning! The use of any accessory or attachment or
performance of any operation with this tool other than those
recommended in this instruction manual may present a risk of
personal injury.
Check for damaged parts
Before use, carefully check the tool for damage. Ensure that
the tool will operate properly and perform its intended function.
Do not use the tool if any part is damaged or defective.
Store idle tools
When not in use, tools and batteries should be stored in a dry,
locked up or high place, out of reach of children.
This tool complies with relevant safety requirements.
Repairs should only be carried out by qualified persons using
original spare parts; otherwise this may result in considerable
danger to the user.
Additional safety instructions for non-rechargeable
Never attempt to open for any reason.
Do not store in locations where the temperature may
exceed 40 °C.
When disposing of batteries, follow the instructions given
in the section "Protecting the environment". Do not
incinerate the batteries.
Under extreme conditions, battery leakage may occur.
When you notice liquid on the batteries, proceed as
- Carefully wipe the liquid off using a cloth.
Avoid skin contact.
Additional safety instructions for pipe and wire
Do not use the tool to detect AC voltage in uninsulated,
exposed or free wires.
Do not use the tool as a substitute for a voltmeter.
Be aware that the tool may not always properly detect all
pipes and wires. The following conditions can cause
inaccurate results:
- Low battery
- Thick walls with thin pipes or wires
- Very thick walls
- Very deep wires or pipes
- Walls covered with metal
- Very humid conditions
- Shielded cables
Before use, always test the tool by detecting a known pipe
or wire.
If in doubt contact a qualified contractor.
Warning! This tool will not detect wires in circuits isolated
from the mains supply, cables operating at direct current (DC)
or wires used for telecommunication or computer systems.
Hidden wires (e.g. wall lights) may not be detected when
switches are in the off position.
Warning! This tool will not detect pipes of any other material
than metal.
1. Mode selector switch
2. LED indicator
3. Sensitivity dial
Fig. A
4. Battery cover
Fitting the battery (fig. B)
Slide the battery cover (4) off the tool.
Connect the battery to the connector. The larger battery
terminal connects to the smaller connector terminal.

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