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Mains plug replacement (U.K. & Ireland only)
If a new mains plug needs to be fitted:
Safely dispose of the old plug.
Connect the brown lead to the live terminal in the new
Connect the blue lead to the neutral terminal.
Warning! No connection is to be made to the earth terminal.
Follow the fitting instructions supplied with good quality
plugs. Recommended fuse: 3 A.
Protecting the environment
Should you find one day that your Black & Decker product
needs replacement, or if it is of no further use to you, do not
dispose of it with household waste. Make this product
available for separate collection.
Separate collection of used products and packaging
allows materials to be recycled and used again.
Re-use of recycled materials helps prevent
environmental pollution and reduces the demand
for raw materials.
Local regulations may provide for separate collection of
electrical products from the household, at municipal waste
sites or by the retailer when you purchase a new product.
Black & Decker provides a facility for the collection and
recycling of Black & Decker products once they have
reached the end of their working life. To take advantage
of this service please return your product to any authorised
repair agent who will collect them on our behalf.
You can check the location of your nearest authorised repair
agent by contacting your local Black & Decker office at the
address indicated in this manual. Alternatively, a list of
authorised Black & Decker repair agents and full details
of our after-sales service and contacts are available on the
Internet at: www.2helpU.com.
Technical data
Black & Decker is confident of the quality of its products and
offers an outstanding guarantee. This guarantee statement
is in addition to and in no way prejudices your statutory
rights. The guarantee is valid within the territories of the
Member States of the European Union and the European
Free Trade Area.
If a Black & Decker product becomes defective due to faulty
materials, workmanship or lack of conformity, within 24
months from the date of purchase, Black & Decker
guarantees to replace defective parts, repair products
subjected to fair wear and tear or replace such products to
make sure of the minimum inconvenience to the customer
The product has been used for trade, professional or
hire purposes.
The product has been subjected to misuse or neglect.
The product has sustained damage through foreign
objects, substances or accidents.
Repairs have been attempted by persons other than
authorised repair agents or Black & Decker service
Problem Possible cause Possible solution
Appliance will
not start.
Cord is not
plugged in.
Plug the tool into
a working outlet.
Automatic shut-off
valve not set.
Set the automatic
shut-off feature.
Preset value may
be below the
actual pressure.
Adjust the preset value
to a higher value.
The fuse in the 12
Volt adaptor is
Replace the fuse with
one of the same size
and type (8A/250V).
Cord or switch is
Have the cord or
switch replaced at a
Black & Decker Service
Centre or Authorized
Service Centre.
Separate collection. This product must not be
disposed of with normal household waste.
Input voltage Vac/Vdc 230/12
Input current A 0.5/8
Noise value db 84
Pressure (max) kPa / psi / bar 1103 / 160 / 11.03
Weight kg 1.93

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Zoeken resetten

  • L.s.,
    Onlangs deze pomp voor het eerst op 220 volt gebruikt. Na circa 5 minuten gaf hij na 2 keer horten en stoten, de brui er aan. Zit er ergens een zekering die ik kan vervangen Gesteld op 14-9-2020 om 19:30

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Andere handleiding(en) van Black Decker ASI300 T3

Black Decker ASI300 T3 Snelstart handleiding - English - 12 pagina's

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