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Product View
A-1 Water Filter
Vacuum Mode
1 Top Lid
2 Collection Tank Handle
3 Collection Tank
4 Quick Release™ Hose Door
5 Cleaning Mode Selector
6 Wand Holder
7 Solution Hose
8 Solution Hose Hook-up
9 Grip
10 Wand
11 Carry Handle
12 Tool Caddy & Tools
13 Power Button
14 Post-Motor Filter Door
15 Power Cable
A-2 Wet
Clean Mode
16 Spray Trigger
17 Grip
18 Carry Handle
19 Solution Tank
20 Wand Holder
21 Quick Release™ Cable Wrap
22 Solution Tank/
Measuring Cap
23 Power Button
24 Wet Clean Button
25 Post-Motor Filter Door
26 Top Lid
27 Collection Tank Handle
28 Quick Release™ Hose Door
29 Cleaning Mode Selector
30 Collection Tank
31 Solution Hose
32 Solution Hose Hook-Up
A-3 Cleaning
Always use genuine BISSELL®
deep cleaning formulas. Non-
BISSELL cleaning formulas may
harm the cleaner and will void
the guarantee.
33 1.5 L 2X Wash & Protect Pet
Stain & Odour Formula w/
Scotchgard™ Protection
34 1 L 2X Wash & Shine Hard
Floor Cleaner
A-4 Cleaning
35 TurboBrush Vacuum Tool with
Air Flow Regulator
36 Multi-Surface Vacuum Tool
37 Deep Clean Carpet
Washing Tool with
Removable Nozzle
38 Quick Dry Hard Floor Tool
with Washable Microfibre
Mop Pad
39 Tool Caddy
40 Dusting Brush
41 Upholstery Tool
42 Wet and Dry Crevice Tool
43 Upholstery Deep Cleaning
44 Drain Cleaner
45 Microfibre Mop Pads
46 Pre-Motor Filter
47 Post-Motor Filter
48 Tool Storage Bag
1. Attach hose to Quick Release™ Hose
Door by inserting fitted end and turning
clockwise until it locks into place.
2. Attach solution hose to cleaner by
inserting into hook-up and turning
clockwise until it locks into place.
3. Attach two wand pieces together by
lining up button locks with holes and locking
into place. Be sure wand piece with the
storage bracket (see section B, figure 4)
is the lower wand that will attach to tools.
Attach assembled wand to grip using same
4. Attach desired tool to lower wand and
place storage bracket into wand holder.
5. Place tool caddy on back of cleaner for
vacuuming or Solution Tank for wet cleaning.
Do not plug in your cleaner until you have
completely assembled it per the following
instructions and are familiar with all
instructions and operating procedures.
To reduce the risk of fire and electric shock due
to internal component damage, use only BISSELL
cleaning formula intended for use with the deep
cleaner. Non-BISSELL cleaning formula may
harm the machine and void the guarantee.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bissell Hydro Clean Pro Heat Complete 1474J

Bissell Hydro Clean Pro Heat Complete 1474J Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 11 pagina's

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