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Water filter vacuuming
IMPORTANT: Your cleaner is a water
filtration cleaner. NEVER use it in Filter
Vac mode without clean tap water in the
collection tank. You MUST fill the collection
tank with clean tap water to the clean
water fill line on the back of the collection
tank for the cleaner to function properly.
Vacuuming in Filter Vac mode without clean
water in the collection tank may cause
damage to the motor.
C-1 Getting ready
1. Open Quick Release hose door, turn
cleaning mode selector to “FILTER VAC”,
then close hose door.
2. Remove top lid from collection tank and
set aside.
3. Fill collection tank with clean tap water to
clean water fill line on back of tank and place
top lid back onto top of collection tank.
4. Ensure tool caddy is in place.
IMPORTANT: Never use cleaner in Filter Vac
mode with Wet Clean solution tank in place
as this could cause damage to the solution
tank. Always have the tool caddy in place in
Filter Vac mode.
5. Attach desired vacuum tool to end
of wand (or directly to grip for smaller
6. Plug into a proper electrical socket
and push power button on.
7. If cleaner loses suction, stop vacuuming
and check collection tank level, pre-motor
filter and post-motor filter. If collection tank
is full, empty then fill collection tank with
clean water to clean water fill line on back
of tank. If filters are dirty, clean following
directions in section D-2.
8. Refer to section D for machine care
Wet cleaning
C-2 Getting ready
1. Plan activities to give your carpets
time to dry.
2. Thoroughly dry vacuum area to
be cleaned.
3. Plan your cleaning route to leave an
exit path. It is best to begin cleaning in
the corner farthest from your exit.
4. Open Quick Release hose door, turn
cleaning mode selector to “WET CLEAN”,
then close hose door.
5. Remove tool caddy from back of
cleaner if in place.
6. Unscrew measuring cap from solution
tank. Fill solution tank with hand hot tap
water to fill line. Add one full measuring cap
of BISSELL carpet cleaning formula then
screw cap tightly back onto solution tank.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to use BISSELL carpet
cleaning formulas for carpet and upholstery
when cleaning carpet, rugs and upholstery.
7. Place solution tank back in the cleaner.
8. Attach desired wet clean tool to
end of wand (or directly to grip for
smaller accessories).
9. Plug into a proper electrical socket and
push power and wet clean buttons on.
NOTE: This product features Heatwave
Technology™ to help maintain the
temperature of the hand hot tap water
you put in it, providing constant heat as
you wet clean. The Heatwave Technology
automatically turns on when you turn the
power on in Wet Clean mode.
C-3 Deep Clean Carpet Washing
1. Place tool directly on carpet. Push spray
trigger to spray cleaning solution while
pulling wand towards you.
2. Keep nozzle of tool firmly against the
carpet surface and continue to make slow
forward and backward wet passes until
no more dirt can be removed.
CAUTION: Do not overwet.
3. Release spray trigger and make slow
forward and backward dry passes over the
same area to remove any residual water.
4. Continue to clean entire carpet working
in one metre by one metre sections.
5. If cleaner loses suction, stop wet cleaning
and check collection tank as suction will shut
off when float inside collection tank reaches
full level. Empty if full.
6. If cleaner stops spraying, turn off
wet clean button immediately and check
solution tank level. Refill if empty.
IMPORTANT: Never run in Wet Clean mode
when the solution formula tank is empty
or missing.
7. Refer to section D for machine
care instructions.
Do not operate cleaner with damp or wet filters
or without all filters in place.

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