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Marina 900
*Range may vary depending on environmental and/or topographical conditions.
8 PMR Channels
121 Privacy Codes (CTCSS Tone
and DCS Code)
Up to 10 km Range*
Submersible design
Direct Call
122 Group Codes
Silent Mode
10 Selectable Call/Ring Tone Alerts
Backlit LCD Display
1 Antenna
2 PTT (Push-To-Talk) Button
3 Monitor Button
4 Channel Up/Down Key
5 Tone/Group Key
6 Call Key
7 Power key
8 Volume Up/Down key
9 Enter/Lock Key
10 Menu Key
11 Microphone
12 Loudspeaker
13 Battery Level Indicator
14 Function and Sub
Code Indicator
15 Group Indicator
16 Receive Indicator
17 Call Indicator
18 Channel Indicator
19 Missed Call Indicator
20 Charging Contacts
Congratulations on your purchase of the Binatone
Marina 900 (Private Mobile Radio) waterproof
radio. This lightweight, palm-sized, radio is a state-
of-the-art device, equipped with many valuable
features. Use it at sporting events, to stay in
contact with family and friends, hiking, skiing,
outdoors, or in a neighborhood watch for vital
communication - even outside by the pool!
Your radio complies with JIS7 water-resistant
standards, which means the radio can be
submerged in 1.0 metre deep water for 30
minutes without damage.
After your radio is submerged in water, you might
notice that the sound is distorted. This is because
there is still water remaining in and around the
speaker and microphone. Just shake the radio to clear
excess water, and the sound should return to normal.
Note: If your radio is exposed to salt water, clean
your radio thoroughly with fresh water, and dry it
before turning it on.
Your package contains:
Two Marina 900 radios
Two rechargeable NiMH battery packs
One AC adapter
One dual charging cradle
Two belt clips
This user guide
This radio has a battery level meter that indicates
the status of the batteries. When the battery level is
low, the battery level meter icon flashes and
then BATT appears after 30 seconds. Recharge
the NiMH battery pack immediately.
Warning! To avoid the risk of personal injury or
property damage from fire or electrical shock, only
use the accessories specifically designated for this
Marina 900 RADIO
Your radios include a dual charging cradle and
rechargeable battery packs. Follow these
instructions to recharge the radios in the charging
Make sure to turn the radio OFF before placing
the radio in the charging cradle.
Using the Charging Cradle
1) Connect the adapter's plug in to the DC IN 9V
socket in the back of the charging cradle and plug
the adapter
2) Set the charging cradle on desk or tabletop,
and place each radio in the charging cradle with
the keypad facing forward.
3) Make sure that the LED illuminates. Charge the
battery pack for 16 hours and remove the radio
from the charging cradle after charging.
Charge time may vary depending on the battery
life remaining.
For fastest charging, turn off the radio before
The charging cradle is not waterproof. If the
charging cradle falls into water, unplug it before
attempting to remove it from the water. Allow the
cradle to dry completely before reconnecting the
Setting the Radio to Group Mode
To set the radio to Group Mode, which enables
Direct Call, Auto Channel Change and All Call,
press and hold TONE/GROUP for 2 seconds. The
radio displays GRP and group code.
Note: In group mode, you cannot receive
transmissions from other radios unless they are
also set to the same channel and group code.
Setting the Group Code
Set the group code for your radio group from
0-121. Everyone in your group must select the
same group code in order to communicate with
each other.
1) Tap TONE/GROUP in group mode. Press
or to select the group number.
2) Press ENTER/ or TONE/GROUP to return to
normal operation.
Setting the Unit Number
Each radio in your group needs to be set to a
unique unit number, from 1-16.
1) Press MENU. Advance through the menu until
UNIT appears, and then press ENTER/ . The
current unit number flashes.
2) Press CH or to select the desired unit
3) Press ENTER/ to continue to the next
Setting Your Nickname
Your nickname appears on other units’ displays
when you make a All Call or direct call. This is
also the name that appears on other radio displays
when someone wants to make a direct call to you.
When no nickname is set, the unit number
1) Press MENU. Advance through the menu until
UNIT appears, and then press ENTER/ . The
current unit number flashes, then tap ENTER/
. The radio displays n
- - - -
(or your current
nickname) with the first place in the nickname
2) Press CH or to select the letter, then
ENTER/ to advance to the next letter until
you have entered your nickname.
3) Press MENU to confirm the setting and exit the
Using Group Mode
Group mode lets you make direct calls to other
people in your group without alerting the entire
group and also lets you quickly change everyone
in your group to another channel from a single
radio. Before using group mode, follow the
instructions in "Setting Up Group Mode" on every
radio in your group. Then, to record the unit ID
and everyone’s nickname in every radio, send a
call to "All" from each radio one time (see "Sending
a Direct Call").
Sending a Direct Call
Direct Call lets you call everyone in your group at
once, or call a single person in your group without
anyone else in the group knowing. It is like a
"speed dial" directly to the person(s) you want to
talk to.
To call everyone in your group, press CALL in
group mode. The radio flashes ALL. Then, press
. Everyone in your group
receives a call "chirp" for about 3 seconds. When
the chirp ends, begin your conversation.
Note: When you make a direct call to "all," your
radio also sends out your nickname or ID so that it
will show up in the call list for everyone in your
To call one person in your group, without having
other people know, press CALL in group mode.
Then, use CH or to select the person you
want to call and press CALL or ENTER/ . Your
radio sounds tones for 3 seconds as it sends the
call. When the selected person answers, you can
begin your conversation. You can silence the call
tones at any time by pressing PTT.
Your conversation remains private between you
and the person you called until 15 seconds after
your last conversation. Then, your radio
automatically exits private mode.
Automatically Changing Channels
Auto Channel Change lets you easily coordinate a
channel change for everyone in your group. You
might want to do this when you find you are getting
a lot of interference on your current channel.
To start an auto channel change, on any radio in
the group tap MENU. Advance through the menu
until CHCX appears, then press ENTER/
. The
current channel flashes. Use CH or to select
the target channel. You can check whether the
selected channel is clear. Then press CALL or
Your radio chirps for about 10 seconds while it
sends out the channel change signal. As each
radio receives the channel change signal, it chirps
once, then changes to the new channel.
To ensure all radios make it to the new channel,
we recommend you:
Make sure you are in an open environment,
where the radio will get the best range.
Optimize range during the channel change
signal by raising the radio over your head to
give the best possible height.
Use the radio in standard (not group) mode when
you need to be able to communicate with radios
that do not have the group feature.
Choosing a Privacy Code
You can select a Privacy Code from 1-121 for each
channel. oFF (OFF) indicates no Privacy code
selected and your radio can receive a signal
regardless of the code settings of the transmitting
1) Press TONE/GROUP. The Privacy code
indicator flashes.
2) Press CH
or to increase or decrease the
code. You can also select oFF.
3) Press ENTER/ or TONE/GROUP to return to
normal operation.
Note: Only tones 1-38 are standard across radio
brands. Other settings might differ from brand to
brand. See the specifications for the specific tones
used for each setting.
Channel Scan Feature
Your radio has a channel scan feature that lets you
easily scan all 8 channels. When an active channel
is detected, the radio pauses on that channel until
the channel is clear. Then after a 2-second delay,
the radio resumes scanning. Pressing PTT while
the scan is paused on a channel lets you transmit
on that channel.
To turn on channel scan:
Press MENU. The radio displays SCAN, and then
press ENTER/
.The channel number changes as
the radio rapidly cycles through the channels.
To turn off channel scan:
Press MENU, PTT or CALL.
Talking on Your Radio
To talk to others using the radio:
1) Press and hold PTT and speak in a clear,
normal voice about 2-3 inches away from the
microphone. While you transmit, TX appears on
the display according to the type of channel. To
avoid cutting off the first part of your
transmission, pause slightly after pressing PTT
before you start talking.
2) When you finish speaking, release PTT. You
can now receive incoming calls. While receiving,
RX appears on the display.
Note: When you press PTT, TX appear on the
display. If PTT is continuously pressed, 1 minute
Roger Beep
Vibrate Reminder
All Call
Auto Channel Change Call
Battery Charger
Battery Level Meter
Channel Monitor
Channel Scan
Group Scan
Keypad Lock
Private Mobile Radio
Your radio uses a supplied NiMH battery pack.
To install the NiMH battery pack:
1) Make sure the radio is off.
2) Turn the screw holding the battery compartment
counterclockwise with a
screwdriver, and lift up the
battery cover.
3) Put the NiMH battery pack in
the battery compartment
contacts to the lower
charge contacts, as
shown, and
written on
the battery pack’s label. Installing the battery
pack incorrectly will prevent the unit from
4) Before placing the battery cover back on the,
radio, make sure the ribbon of the battery pack is
fully inside the battery compartment, and check
the rubber seal to make sure that the seal is in
under the seal.
In order to get the most out of your new radio, read
this user guide completely before attempting to
operate the unit.
Turning the Radio On and Adjusting the Volume
1) Press and hold the
to turn the radio ON.
2) To change the volume level, press the
VOL or to increase or decrease the
volume level then press ENTER/ .
3) Press and hold the to turn the radio OFF.
Choosing a Channel
Your radio has 8 channels and 121 Privacy codes
you can use to talk to others. In order to speak to
someone, both your radios must be set to the same
channel and Privacy code.
To choose a channel:
Pless CH
or to go to channel mode.
To select the desired channel, press CH
or .
And then press ENTER/
to con rm.
To change the channel continuously, press
or , then press and hold
CH or for more than 1 second.
In order to use Group Mode you need to initialize a
couple of settings in your radio:
Set the radio to Group Mode
Set a Group Code
Set a Unit Number
Set a "Nickname"
5) Replace the battery compartment door. Tighten
the screw securely.
AC outlet
Charge LED
Wipe off dirt or shake water from your radio
before placing in the charging cradle if your radio
is soiled or wet.
Your radio includes a belt clip.
To install the belt clip:
1) Slide the belt clip into the slot as shown.
2) A “click”
the belt
clip is
To Remove the belt clip:
1) Pull the belt clip latch away from the radio.
While pulling the belt clip latch, push the belt clip up.
Belt clip
Do a "roll call" on the new channel after the
move to be sure no one was left behind. If you
missed someone, return to the previous channel
and issue the signal again.
UT053AK_Marina 900_0810.indd 1 8/11/2010 2:41:06 PM
**Please note that all calls are charged at local rate
Binatone Helpline
Monday to Friday
from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Tel: 0845 345 9677
or visit our website:
(for UK only)
Binatone Help Line - 0845 345 9677
Binatone Help Line - 0845 345 9677
Binatone Help Line - 0845 345 9677
into a mains
AC outlet.
with the battery
follow the
good condition and that there is no foreign matter
after you start pressing PTT the transmission stops
and you hear a timeout error tone.

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