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Instruction manual
Congratulations with the purchase of your cordless jug kettle, an appliance which will enable you to boil
water very quickly.
Please read these instructions carefully and retain them for reference.
Use this appliance solely in accordance with these instructions.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Have any repairs carried out solely by a qualified electrician. Never try to repair the appliance yourself.
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS - Electricity and heat
Before use please verify that the mains voltage is the same as indicated on the rating plate of the
Make sure that you always use an earthed wall socket to connect the appliance.
Always remove the plug from the mains socket before moving the appliance and when the appliance is
not in use.
Remove the plug from the wall socket by pulling the plug, not the power cord.
Check the appliance’s power cord regularly to make sure it is not damaged. Do not use the appliance if
the power cord is damaged. Have a damaged power cord replaced by a qualified repair service.
Certain parts of the appliance may get hot. Do not touch these parts to prevent burning yourself.
Make sure that the appliance, the power cord or the plug do not make contact with hot services, such
as a hot hob or naked flame.
Make sure that the appliance, the power cord and plug do not make contact with water.
Never use the appliance outdoors.
Place the appliance on a flat, stable surface.
Always remove the plug from the wall socket after use, and before cleaning the appliance.
Never allow the power cord to hang over the edge of the draining board, worktop or table.
Make sure that your hands are dry before touching the appliance, power cord or plug.
Never use the appliance in a humid room.
Never immerse the appliance, the plug or the power cord in water or other liquid.
Do not pick up the appliance if it falls into water. Remove the plug from the wall socket immediately
and do not use the appliance any more.
Use solely the base supplied with the jug kettle. Never use the base for other purposes.
Remove the jug from the base, and fill with water from the tap. Never fill the jug above the ‘max’ level.
Do not switch on the appliance before you have filled it with water. Fill only with cold water.
The jug’s lid must remain securely closed whilst the appliance is in use.
Never open the lid when the water is still boiling.
Use the appliance only to boil or heat water. Never use it for other liquids!
Fill the jug kettle with at least 0,5 litre of water.
Allow the appliance to cool to room temperature before storage
This appliance may not be used through an external timer or by means of a remote control.
Dispose of packaging material, such as plastic and boxes, in the appropriate waste containers.
When this product reaches the end of its useful life do not dispose of it by putting it in a dustbin;
hand it in at a collection point for the reuse of electrical and electronic equipment. Please refer to
the symbols on the product, the user’s instructions or the packaging.
The materials can be re-used as indicated. Your help in the re-use, recycling or other means of
making use of old electrical equipment will make an important contribution to the protection of the
Contact your municipality for the address of the appropriate collection point in your neighbourhood.

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