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Instruction manual
The importer guarantees the appliance against defects caused by manufacturing and/or material faults for
60 months from the date of purchase, subject to the following conditions.
1. No charges will be made for labour costs or materials during the warranty period. Any repairs carried out
during the warranty period do not extend the warranty period.
2. The importer automatically becomes the owner of any faulty parts that he replaces or a faulty appliance
(in the event of replacement of the appliance).
3. All claims submitted under warranty must be accompanied by the original bill of sale.
4. Claims under warranty must be submitted to the dealer where the appliance was purchased or to the
5. The warranty is issued solely to the first purchaser and cannot be transferred.
6. The warranty does not cover damage caused by:
a. Accidents, incorrect use, wear and/or neglect.
b. Faulty installation and/or use in a manner contravening the prevailing legal, technical or safety
c. Connection to a mains voltage other than the voltage specified on the type plate.
d. Unauthorized modifications.
e. Repairs carried out by third parties.
f. Careless transport, i.e. without suitable packaging materials or protection.
7. No claims may be made under this warranty for:
a. Losses incurred during transport.
b. The removal or changing of the appliance’s serial number.
8. The guarantee does not cover power cords, lamps or glass parts.
9. No claims can be submitted under this warranty for damage other than the repair or replacement of faulty
parts. The importer can never be held responsible for any consequential loss or damage or any other
consequences, resulting either directly or indirectly from the appliance supplied by the importer.
10. In case of claims under guarantee you can contact your dealer where the appliance is purchased.
Bestron offers you also the possibility to send the appliance directly to our Service Department. Do not
send your appliance without consulting us. The package may be refused and any any costs will be for
your account. Please contact the Service Department and they will tell you how to pack and send the
11. This appliance is not suitable for professional use.
If a fault should occur please contact the BESTRON service department: www.bestron.com/service
This product conforms to the essential requirements of the following EU safety directives:
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
RoHS – Directive 2011/65/EU
R. Neyman
Quality control

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