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Stand Mixer Use instructions
Put the stand mixer on a at and dry surface.
Turn right the handle (4) to lift the head (2) until it is completely blocked.
Put the ingredients into the bowl (8 liquids rst) . Place the bowl (8) on the base (7) and x it by
turning it anticlockwise.
Put the anti-splash lid (12) on the accessory (9 – 10 – 11) to use
Fix the accessory (9 – 10 – 11) and the anti-splash lid (12) sur l’axe en appliquant une légère pres-
sion et en tournant le joint de l’axe (1) dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre.
Turn left the handle (4) to pull down the head (2) until it is completely blocked; a click indicates that
the head is pulled down and the handle (4) come back to original position.
Connect the cord supply (13) to the socket.
Turn on the stand mixer pressing switch on (5) and select speed (1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6).
When complete, switch off the appliance and unplug the cord supply (13) for the socket.
Lift the head (2) turning the handle (4). Remove the accessory (9 – 10 -11) used turning the axis (1)
anticlockwise; remove the bowl (8) turning clockwise.
Beating (9) for making cakes, biscuits, pie crust pastry, icing, cream.
Whipping (10) for eggs, cream, dough batter, low fat cake, meringue, cheesecake, mous se and
soufé. Do not use for heavy consistence ingredients.
Kneading (11) for all levitating dough.
The proportions must be 1:0,6. Knead on the basis on speed 1 until speed 3 for about 2 minutes for
each speed, by mixing whole for 6 minutes.
To whip eggs using the speed 4 until speed 6 continuously for 5 minutes; max. capacity 16 eggs.
Do not ll the bowl too much, blend with speed 1 to 6.
If the stand mixer seems to be slow when mixing, turn off the appliance and remove half dough and
knead it separately.
Pour rst liquids into the bowl for to get better mix.

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