Pagina terug
Pagina verder
50 51
50 Contents
51 Introduction
55 What is in the box?
55 Figure references
57 Getting started
57 Testing
59 How to use Bellman Audio
Domino Classic
60 Symbols and indicators
61 Charging
62 Using the Receiver Unit
62 Switching on the Receiver Unit
62 Selecting the sound volume
63 Selecting the tone
63 Using the Transmitter Unit
63 Switching on the Transmitter Unit
64 Listening via the Trans mitter Unit
64 Listening on the Receiver Unit’s
microphone again
65 Switching o
65 External sound source
66 External microphone
67 Combined signal sources
68 Wireless digital transfer
68 Battery indicator
69 Establishing a temporary link
with another Transmitter Unit
71 Accessories
72 Troubleshooting in brief
314 Appendix
328 Areas of application
336 Warranty conditons
Bellman Audio Domino Classic
Personal Hearing System, BE2250/BE2270
Thank you for choosing products from Bellman & Symfon.
Bellman Audio is an assistive listening system. The system consists of a number
of units which facilitate listening under dierent circumstances. Bellman Audio
products make everyday life easier for many people and give them the free-
dom to freely pursue their interests.
Bellman Audio Domino comprises easy-to-use wireless audio products which
have been specially developed to help in circumstances where listening is dif-
cult. The use of the latest technology in digital signal processing, encryption
and wireless technology provides you with fantastic sound quality, secure and
reliable radio transmission and great exibility in how you use the system. The
radio solution used and the exible battery charging ensure that the products
can be used safely and easily throughout the world.
Read through the entire user manual before starting to use the product. Refer
to the diagram showing the accessories and connection options.

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