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Table of Contents
Dear customer, ............................................................ 2
About this User Manual .............................................. 2
General Safety Information..................... 3
1 Installation guide.................................. 4
Package Contents ........................................................... 4
Opening the cover .......................................................... 4
Attaching paper tray ....................................................... 4
Inserting paper ............................................................... 4
Attaching the document holder ...................................... 5
Connecting handset ....................................................... 5
Connecting the Telephone Cord .................................... 5
Connecting the Power Cord ........................................... 5
Initial installation ........................................................... 5
Inserting batteries in cordless telephone .......................... 6
Putting Cordless Telephone in Operation ...................... 6
2 Overview............................................... 7
Overview of the Menu Functions ................................... 7
Factory Settings .............................................................. 8
Machine Overview ......................................................... 9
Cordless telephone panel .............................................. 10
Control Panel ............................................................... 11
3 Telephone functions .......................... 12
Making Telephone Calls on the Machine ..................... 12
Putting a call from cordless telephone .......................... 12
Hands-free ................................................................... 13
Mute mode .................................................................. 13
Recording a Telephone Conversation ........................... 13
Forwarding a call .......................................................... 13
Placing internal calls ..................................................... 14
Calling Line Identification (CLIP) ............................... 14
Missed Calls ................................................................. 14
4 Telephone book of the device .......... 15
Saving entry ................................................................. 15
Edit Entry .................................................................... 15
Deleting an Entry ......................................................... 15
Groups ......................................................................... 15
Short Dial .................................................................... 16
5 Telephone book of the cordless tele-
phone ....................................................... 17
Saving entry ................................................................. 17
Edit Entry .................................................................... 17
Deleting an entry .......................................................... 17
Adding an additional number ....................................... 17
Changing the Ring Tone .............................................. 17
Calling Options ............................................................ 17
6 Cordless telephone............................ 19
Looking for cordless telephone ..................................... 19
Switching on and off .................................................... 19
Navigating in the menu ................................................ 19
Keypad lock ................................................................. 19
Activating emergency call number ................................ 19
Additional Functions .................................................... 19
7 Answering Machine........................... 22
Switching On and Off .................................................. 22
Recording the Outgoing Message ................................. 22
Listening to Messages ................................................... 23
Deleting messages ......................................................... 24
Setting up forwarding and remote access ...................... 24
Using the Remote Control ........................................... 25
Remote Control Functions ........................................... 25
Recording Memos ........................................................ 25
Modifying the settings .................................................. 26
8 Fax....................................................... 27
Sending fax ................................................................... 27
Manually Sending a Fax ............................................... 27
Broadcasting ................................................................. 27
Delayed Fax Transmission ............................................ 28
Receiving Faxes ............................................................ 28
Receiving fax manually ................................................. 28
Polling Faxes ................................................................ 28
Using Fax Templates .................................................... 28
9 Copier................................................. 29
Inserting the document ................................................ 29
Creating a Copy ........................................................... 29
Creating Multiple Copies ............................................. 29
10 SMS..................................................... 30
SMS Requirements ....................................................... 30
Sending SMS ................................................................ 30
Notification by SMS .................................................... 30
Receiving an SMS ......................................................... 31
Reading an SMS ........................................................... 31
Calling SMS functions ................................................. 31
Printing SMS ............................................................... 32
Deleting SMS ............................................................... 32
Modifying the settings .................................................. 32
11 Fun and Games.................................. 33
Sudoku ......................................................................... 33
12 Settings on the device....................... 34
Entering the Date and Time ......................................... 34
Selecting the Language ................................................. 34
Entering Your Number ................................................ 34
Entering name .............................................................. 34
Setting the Contrast ...................................................... 34
Reducing Transmission Speed ...................................... 34
Switching Page Adjustment On and Off ....................... 34
Setting the Ring Tone .................................................. 35
Setting the Fax Switch .................................................. 35
Printing Lists and Help Pages ....................................... 35
Starting the Initial Installation ...................................... 36
Checking the Firmware Version ................................... 36
13 Settings on the cordless telephone . 37
Selecting the language ................................................... 37
Setting the ring tone ..................................................... 37
Turning key-tones and signal-tones on and off ............. 37
Setting up silent mode .................................................. 37
Programmable buttons ................................................. 37
Automatic picking up and hanging up the phone ......... 37
Resetting the cordless telephone ................................... 38
Displaying call logs and events ...................................... 38

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Andere handleiding(en) van Belgacom belgafax 180 ts

Belgacom belgafax 180 ts Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 52 pagina's

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