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Vintage Analog Delay/Echo/Chorus/Vibrato
Thank you for showing your condence in us by purchasing the BEHRINGER VINTAGE TIME MACHINE VM1.
This high-quality classic eect delivers true analog delay with up to 450 ms of organic echo to rival any
tape delay, vibrant chorus and mind-bending vibrato.
1. Controls
(1) Use the 9 V_ connection to plug in a 9 V power supply.
(2) Use the POWER switch to activate/deactivate the unit.
(3) The POWER LED lights up when the unit is activated.
(4) The ¼" TS EFFECT OUT connector sends the signal to your amp.
(5) The ¼" TS DIRECT OUT connector always provides the direct, unaected signal to feed for example
a separate guitar amp.
(6) Use this ¼" TS INPUT connector to plug in the instrument cable.
(7) The CHORUS/VIBRATO switch selects between chorus or vibrato eect.
(8) The LEVEL control adjusts the input level. The LEVEL control adjusts the input level.
(9) The OVERLOAD LED illuminates when the input signal is too high. In this case reduce the input
level with the LEVEL control.
(10) The MIX control adjusts the balance between the eect signal and the direct signal.
(11) The FEEDBACK control determines the amount of signal repetitions. Since the output signal is fed back
to the input of the delay line, it is possible to generate a self oscillation at high settings of this control.
(12) The DELAY control adjusts the time between the direct signal and the signal repetitions (Delay Time).
(13) The CHORUS/VIBRATO control adjusts the eects speed of the modulation eect added to
the delay. Slow settings produce a chorus eect while fast settings provide vibrato.
(14) Use the footswitch to activate/deactivate the eect.
The SERIAL NUMBER is located on the underside.
(1) (7)
(14) (12)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Behringer VINTAGE TIME MACHINE VM1

Behringer VINTAGE TIME MACHINE VM1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Behringer VINTAGE TIME MACHINE VM1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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