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General recommendations
Before using the
To make the most of your
new appliances read the
users instructions carefully
and keep them on hand for
consultation in the future.
Remove the cardboard
protections and the
protective plastic film.
Remove the accessories
from the oven and heat it
at 200°C for about an hour
to eliminate the smell of
protective grease and
insulating materials. Keep
the window open during
this procedure.
The fan may continue to
run for the time necessary
to ensure sufficient cooling
of the components and
adjacent kitchen units after
the appliances have been
switched off.
Protecting the environment
The packaging material is
100% recyclable and it is
marked with the recycle
symbol .
The appliances are built
from recyclable materials.
If you decide to scrap the
appliances please observe
local waste disposal
regulations. When you
scrap them, cut off the
power cords so that the
appliances cannot be
connected to the mains.
Precautions and general
Before any maintenance on
the appliances disconnect
them from the power
Keep children away from
the appliances when they
are in use.
The oven must be repaired
or adjusted only by a
qualified technician.
Make sure that the
electrical wires of other
electrical appliances near
the oven do not come into
contact with hot parts and
do not become entrapped
in the oven door.
During the cooking
process, water evaporates
from food.
All ovens require this steam
and other fumes to be
vented from the oven
cavity. For reasons of safety
and aesthetics, we have
determined that an
opening at the bottom of
the door is the optimum
Consequently, vapour may
be seen to be coming from
this area on occasions (see
This is a normal occurrence
and the bottom trim can
be cleaned after removal
of the door as described on
“Cleaning the oven and its
Heavy weights must not be
placed on the open door as
this may result in damage
to the cavity and hinges.
Max weight: 7 kg (15lbs).
Fumes Exhaust

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht blzg9000

Bauknecht blzg9000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Bauknecht blzg9000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Bauknecht blzg9000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 12 pagina's

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