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If the hob will not operate correctly, before calling the After-Sales Service, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide to determine
the problem.
1. The burner fails to ignite or the flame is not even
Check that:
The gas or electrical supplies are not shut off and especially that the gas supply tap is open.
The gas cylinder (liquid gas) is not empty.
The burner openings are not clogged.
The plug end is not dirty.
All the burner parts have been positioned correctly.
There are no draughts near the hob.
2. The burner does not stay lit
Check that:
When lighting the burner, the knob has been pressed for enough time to activate the protection device.
The burner openings are not clogged near the thermocouple.
The end of the safety device is not dirty.
The minimum gas setting is correct (see relevant paragraph).
3. The containers are not stable
Check that:
The bottom of the container is perfectly flat
The container is centered on the burner.
The grids have not been exchanged or positioned incorrectly.
If after the above checks the fault still occurs, get in touch with the nearest After Sales Service.
All the enamelled and glass parts should be cleaned with warm water and neutral solution.
Stainless steel surfaces may be stained by calcareous water or aggressive detergents if left in contact for too long. Any
food spills (water, sauce, coffee, etc.) should be wiped away before they dry.
Clean with warm water and neutral detergent, and then dry with a soft cloth or chamois. Remove baked-on dirt with
specific cleaners for stainless steel surfaces.
NOTE: clean stainless steel only with soft cloth or sponge.
Do not use abrasive or corrosive products, chlorine-based cleaners or pan scourers.
Do not use steam cleaning appliances.
Do not use flammable products.
Do not leave acid or alkaline substances, such as vinegar, mustard, salt, sugar or lemon juice on the hob.
If you have a IXELIUM hob, observe the following cleaning recommendation:
Use a soft cloth (microfibre is best) dampened with water or with everyday glass cleaning detergent. Do not use paper
kitchen towel, which can leave traces of streaks on the hob.
Grids, burner caps and burners can be removed to be cleaned.
Clean them by hand with warm water and non-abrasive detergent, removing any food residues and checking that none
of the burner openings is clogged.
•Rinse and dry
Refit burners and burner caps correctly in the respective housings.
When replacing the grids, make sure that the panstand area is aligned with the burner.
Models equipped with electrical ignition plugs and safety device require thorough cleaning of the plug end in order to
ensure correct operation. Check these items frequently, and if necessary, clean them with a damp cloth. Any baked-on
food should be removed with a toothpick or needle.
NOTE: to avoid damaging the electric ignition device, do not use it when the burners are not in their housing.
This hob has been designed, constructed and marketed in compliance with:
- safety requirements of “Gas” Directive 2009/142/EC (ex: EEC 90/396);
- safety objectives of the “Low Voltage” Directive 2006/95/EC (which replaces 73/23/EEC and subsequent amendments);
- protection requirements of EEC Directive “EMC” 2004/108/EC.
This appliance meets the eco design requirements of european regulation N. 66/2014, in conformity to the european
standard EN 30-2-1.
Disposal of packing material
The packing material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the recycle symbol ( ). The various parts of the packing must
therefore be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority regulations governing waste disposal.
Scrapping the product
- This appliance is marked in compliance with European Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
- By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the
environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product.
- The symbol on the product or on the accompanying documentation indicates that it should not be treated as
domestic waste but must be taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical and electronic
Disconnect power before servicing.
1. Removable panstand grids
2. Semi-rapid burner Shaded circle Tap closed
3. Semi-rapid burner Large flame Maximum opening/delivery
4. Rapid burner Small flame Minimum opening or reduced delivery
5. Auxiliary burner
6. Power burner
7. Control knobs
The symbols are indicating which cooking field this knob activates.
Note: your hob aesthetics can be slightly different from the drawing. Burner placement and control symbols can vary.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht TGW 5675

Bauknecht TGW 5675 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht TGW 5675 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht TGW 5675 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 4 pagina's

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