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How to use the appliance
Further indications are given in the single chapters and in the user instructions.
Press the
/ OFF button.
(The first time you use the appliance
and when using a different type of
1. Select the third programme from the
top in the relative table.
2. Press the Start button for about 7
seconds until the display changes.
3. Select the required detergent with
the Start button (OFF = powder
detergent, 2 in 1, 3 in 1, 4 in 1) (shown on the display).
4. Switch the appliance off and then switch it on again. The selected
detergent type will be shown on the display for approximately 3
seconds after switching on.
For dosage of powder detergent in compartment
refer to the
programmes table.
Mechanical indicator lamp
Electric indicator on control panel (if provided).
On models with water softener
system only.
Mechanical indicator lamp
. Electric
indicator on control panel (if provided).
Refer to the dishwasher loading instructions.
The last programme selected will light up.
Select the desired programme (using the specific button or knob).
The corresponding indicator lamp lights up.
If necessary (and if provided).
The corresponding indicator lamp lights up.
The selected programme is
then memorised (even in the
event of power failure).
- Only open the dishwasher if necessary
(Warning: beware of hot steam).
- If the appliance is switched off during a
wash cycle, when switched on again it
will resume the cycle from where it was
Only after the START button has switched off: Press the ON /
All the indicator lamps switch off.
Warning: When the door is opened steam comes out!
Unload the appliance, starting from the lower rack.
Switch on the appliance
Select, save, and
supply the detergent
Check the rinse aid level
Check the
regeneration salt level
Load the racks
Close the dishwasher door,
turn on the water tap
Select a programme
Select additional options
Press the Start button
“Change programme in progress”
Press the START button for 2 sec. until the
Start indicator lamp switches off.
Select another programme and press the
START button again.
Wash cycle
Switch off the appliance
Turn off the water tap,
unload the racks

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 9 pagina's

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 9 pagina's

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