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What to do if...
If a fault occurs, before contacting our After-Sales Service, make the following checks to try and remedy the problem (* see
also the corresponding chapter in the user instructions).
Problem Cause Remedy
The appliance is not
No water supply. Open the tap.
The appliance does not load sufficient
Clean the water supply tap filter.
Ensure there are no kinks in the water hose.
There is a power failure. Insert the plug into the mains socket.
Press the Start button.
Close the door.
Check the safety circuit breaker.
Starting the selected programme. The programme can be set to “0” to start.
If crockery is not
perfectly dry
Insufficient rinse aid. •Increase dosage *.
Residual water in cavities. Load crockery at an angle.
If crockery is not
perfectly clean
The water jet does not reach the
Arrange crockery so that items do not touch each
other. Load crockery upside down.
Insufficient detergent. Follow recommended detergent dosage.
Unsuitable programme. Select a more intense wash cycle.
Spray arms blocked. The spray arms must be able to turn freely.
Spray arm nozzles clogged. Remove any impurities obstructing the water flow *.
Incorrect detergent/detergent too old. Use a good quality detergent.
Sandy or grainy
Clogged filters. Check filters regularly/if necessary clean *.
Filters incorrectly assembled. Insert the filter correctly *.
Colour of plastic parts
Tomato/carrot juice, ... Depending on the material, if necessary use a
detergent with a greater whitening power.
Deposits on crockery
•Removable Streaks on the crockery/glasses. Increase the rinse aid dosage *.
Streaks on glasses. Reduce the rinse aid dosage *.
Layer of salt on crockery/glasses. Close the salt container lid properly *.
Not removable Insufficient water softening, calcium
Change water hardness setting, if necessary add salt *.
Opaque glasses/ glasses
not sparkling
Cannot be washed in the dishwasher. Use suitable glasses.
Rust on cutlery
Not made of stainless steel. •Use suitable cutlery.
Identifying appliance
The START indicator lamp flashes.
Indicator F... (if provided).
Ensure the filter assembly is not clogged and that
there is no interruption to the water supply
(if necessary, clean the filters *). Start the programme
again. Press the START button for 2 seconds, until the
START indicator lamp switches off. Select a new
programme and press the Start button again.
If after carrying out the above checks the malfunction persists or appears again, turn the appliance off and turn off the water
supply tap, then call our After-Sales Service (see guarantee).
Before contacting our After-Sales Service, take note of the following:
The nature of the fault
The appliance type and model
The service code (the number indicated on the adhesive rating plate)
inside the door on the right-hand side.

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Zoeken resetten

  • De vaatwas start niet meer; het groene startlicht blinkt. Na een paar seconden ingeduwd houden, start kort het wegpompen, maar daarna valt de machine weer stil. Tips?
    Gesteld op 17-5-2012 om 05:12

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht GSFS 6540 WS

Bauknecht GSFS 6540 WS Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht GSFS 6540 WS Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht GSFS 6540 WS Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht GSFS 6540 WS Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 9 pagina's

Bauknecht GSFS 6540 WS Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 9 pagina's

Bauknecht GSFS 6540 WS Snelstart handleiding - Français - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht GSFS 6540 WS Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 8 pagina's

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