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IMPORTANT: The hob’s safety features include an automatic switching off function. Prolonged use of the same heat
setting triggers automatic switch-off of the cooking zone (for example, after around 1 hour at maximum heat setting, the
cooking zone switches off).
BE CAREFUL: To avoid permanently damaging the glass-ceramic top, do not use:
- Pots with bottoms that are not perfectly flat.
- Metal pots with enamelled bottom.
Any aesthetic defects (scratches, surface marks, etc.) must be reported immediately upon installation.
A On/Off D Key lock
B Cooking zone and timer selection
F Multiple zone Activation/Deactivation
(if present)
C-E Heat setting increase and decrease
Upon first installation, the control panel performs a functional test for about 1 second, after which it
automatically switches to the “Key lock” function.
To deactivate the function, press and hold button “D”; an acoustic signal will sound and the corresponding led
will turn off.
NOTE: If a reset occurs, repeat the procedure described above.
To switch the hob on, keep button “A” pressed for approx. 2 seconds. The 4 cooking zone displays show “0”.
If within 20 seconds none of the cooking zones is activated, the hob switches off automatically as a safety
Press one of the buttons “B” corresponding to the cooking zone you intend to use.
Select the heat setting required with buttons “E” or “C”. The other selectable cooking settings go from 1 to 9.
Press buttons +/- at the same time to cancel all settings.
Pressing button “+” when level 9 is reached, the “Booster” function is activated and the letter “A” appears on
the display.
IMPORTANT: the control is deactivated 10 seconds after the heat setting has been selected. To change the heat
setting, first press the selection button “B” again, then proceed to change the setting, using buttons “E” or “C”.
MULTIPLE ZONE (if present): After selecting the desired zone and setting the level (as described in the
previous section) press “F”: an indicator above the button turns on, activating the additional zone. The multiple
zone can only be used if:
1) The cooking zone is provided with multiple zone;
2) The power level selected is greater than 0.
To deactivate the multiple zone, press button “B” of the desired zone, then press “F” again.
To set the Timer function, select the desired cooking zone and power setting then press the cooking zone key
again and a luminous dot will appear on the display of the timer-controlled cooking zone.
The indication “00” blinks on the 2 displays. Press buttons “C” or “E” to set the time from 1 to 99.
IMPORTANT: after 10 seconds the timer displays will show the power setting of the other cooking zones.
To view the remaining cooking time, press the timer-controlled cooking zone key twice.
The KEY LOCK function is switched on by holding down button “D” until a dot lights up above the function
button. The Key lock function locks all the hob’s other functions, with the exception of the On/Off button “A”.
The function remains on even after the hob is switched off and on again and can be deactivated by pressing button
“D” again until the dot above the function button goes off.
When the cooking zone is switched off, the residual heat indicator “H” remains on or flashes alternating with
“0” until the temperature of the hob returns within safety levels.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht ETC 8640

Bauknecht ETC 8640 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Bauknecht ETC 8640 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 7 pagina's

Bauknecht ETC 8640 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Bauknecht ETC 8640 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 7 pagina's

Bauknecht ETC 8640 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 12 pagina's

Bauknecht ETC 8640 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Français - 2 pagina's

Bauknecht ETC 8640 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 7 pagina's

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