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TESTED RECIPES in compliance with IEC 50304/60350:2009-03 and DIN 3360-12:07:07
Recipe Function Pre-
Shelf (from
Tem p.
Accessories and notes
IEC 60350:2009-03 § 8.4.1
- 3 170 15-30 Drip-tray / baking tray
- 1-4 160 20-35
Level 4: baking tray
Level 1: drip-tray
IEC 60350:2009-03 § 8.4.2
Small cakes
- 3 170 25-35 Drip-tray / baking tray
- 1-4 160 30-40
Level 4: baking tray
Level 1: drip-tray
IEC 60350:2009-03 § 8.5.1
Fatless sponge cake
- 2 170 30-40 Cake tin on rack
IEC 60350:2009-03 § 8.5.2
Two apple pies
- 2/3 185 70-90 Cake tin on rack
- 1-4 175 75-95
Level 4: cake tin on rack
Level 1: cake tin on rack
IEC 60350:2009-03 § 9.1.1
- 5 High 3-6 Rack
IEC 60350:2009-03 § 9.2.1
- 5 High 18-30
Level 5: rack (turn food
ay through cooking)
Level 4: drip-tray with water
DIN 3360-12:07 §
Apple cake, yeast tray
- 3 180 35-45 Drip-tray / baking tray
- 1-4 160 55-65
Level 4: baking tray
Level 1: drip-tray
DIN 3360-12:07 § 6.6
Roast pork
- 2 170 110-150 Level 2: drip-tray
DIN 3360-12:07 annex C
Flat cake
- 3 170 40-50 Drip-tray / baking tray
- 1-4 160 45-55
Level 4: baking tray
Level 1: drip-tray
The cooking table advises the ideal function and temperature to ensure the best results with all recipes.
If you wish to cook on one shelf only using the fan-assisted function, place food on the third shelf and select
the temperature recommended for the “FORCED AIR” function on more than one shelf.
The indications in the table are without use of the runners. Do the tests without the runners.
** When grilling food, it is advisable leave a space of 3-4 cm from the front edge of the grill to facilitate removal
Energy efficiency class (according to EN 50304)
To do the test, use the dedicated table.
Energy consumption and preheating time
Select the function and do the test only with the "Preheating" option activated (“Preheating yes”).
Control Accuracy test
Select the function and do the test only with the "Preheating" option deactivated (when preheating is
activated, the oven control intentionally creates an oscillation of the temperature profile).

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht BLTMS 9100

Bauknecht BLTMS 9100 Recepten - Nederlands - 132 pagina's

Bauknecht BLTMS 9100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 25 pagina's

Bauknecht BLTMS 9100 Recepten - Deutsch - 132 pagina's

Bauknecht BLTMS 9100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 26 pagina's

Bauknecht BLTMS 9100 Recepten - English, Français - 132 pagina's

Bauknecht BLTMS 9100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 25 pagina's

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