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Unpack the oven and make sure that the oven has not been damaged during transport and that the oven door closes properly.
In the event of problems, contact the dealer or your nearest After-sales Service. To prevent any damage, only remove the oven
from its polystyrene foam base at the time of installation.
Kitchen units in contact with the oven must be heat resistant (min 90°C).
Carry out all cabinet cutting work before fitting the oven in the housing and carefully remove all wood chips and sawdust.
After installation, the bottom of the oven must no longer be accessible.
For correct appliance operation, do not obstruct the minimum gap between the worktop and the upper edge of the oven.
Make sure the power voltage specified on the appliance dataplate is the same as the mains voltage. The dataplate is on the front
edge of the oven (visible when the door is open).
Power cable replacement (type H05 RR-F 3 x 1.5 mm
) must be carried out by a qualified electrician. Contact an
authorized service centre.
Before use:
- Remove cardboard protection pieces, protective film and adhesive labels from accessories.
- Remove the accessories from the oven and heat it 200°C for about an hour to eliminate the smell of the protective grease
and insulating materials.
During use:
- Do not place heavy objects on the door as they could damage it.
- Do not cling to the door or hang anything from the handle.
- Do not cover the inside of the oven with aluminium foil.
- Never pour water into the inside of a hot oven; this could damage the enamel coating.
- Never drag pots or pans across the bottom of the oven as this could damage the enamel coating.
- Make sure that the electrical cables of other appliances do not touch hot parts of the oven or become trapped in the door.
- Never expose the oven to atmospheric agents.
Disposal of packaging materials
The packing material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the recycle symbol ( ). The various parts of the packing must
therefore be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority regulations governing waste disposal.
Scrapping the product
- This appliance is marked in compliance with European Directive 2002/96/EC, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
- By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the
environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product.
- The symbol on the product or on the accompanying documentation indicates that it should not be treated as
domestic waste but must be taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical and electronic
Energy saving
- Only pre-heat the oven if specified in the cooking table or your recipe.
- Use dark lacquered or enamelled baking moulds as they absorb heat far better.
- Switch the oven off 10/15 minutes before the set cooking time. Food requiring prolonged cooking will continue to cook even
once the oven is switched off.
- oven, which is intended to come into contact with foodstuffs, complies with European Regulation ( ) n.1935/2004 and
has been designed, manufactured and sold in conformity with the safety requirements of the “Low Voltage” directive
2006/95/CE (which replaces 73/23/CEE and subsequent amendments), the protection requirements of “EMC”

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht BLTM 9100-01

Bauknecht BLTM 9100-01 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 21 pagina's

Bauknecht BLTM 9100-01 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 21 pagina's

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