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For cooking any kind of dish on one shelf only.
For grilling steaks, kebabs and sausages,
cooking vegetables au gratin or toasting bread. When
grilling meat, we recommend using a drip tray to
collect the cooking juices: Position the tray on any
of the levels below the wire shelf and add 500 ml of
drinking water.
For cooking different foods that require the
same cooking temperature on several shelves
(maximum three) at the same time. This function
can be used to cook different foods without odours
being transferred from one food to another.
For cooking meat, baking cakes with fillings or
roasting stuffed vegetables on one shelf only. This
function uses gentle, intermittent air circulation to
prevent food from drying out excessively.
This function automatically selects the best
temperature and cooking method for pasta dishes.
This function automatically selects the best
temperature and cooking method for meat. This
function intermittently activates the fan at low speed
to prevent the food from drying out too much.
The function automatically selects the best
cooking mode and temperature to cook large joints
of meat (above 2.5 kg). It is advisable to turn the
meat over during cooking, to obtain even browning
on both sides. It is best to baste the meat every now
and again to prevent it from drying out.
This function automatically selects the best
temperature and cooking method for all types of
This function automatically selects the best
temperature and cooking method for all types of
This function automatically selects the best
temperature and cooking method for all types of
For preheating the oven quickly. Once
preheating has finished, the oven will select the
“Conventional” function automatically. Wait for
preheating to finish before placing food in the oven.
For roasting large joints of meat (legs, roast
beef, chicken). We recommend using a drip tray to
collect the cooking juices: Position the pan on any
of the levels below the wire shelf and add 500 ml of
drinking water. The turnspit (if provided) can be used
with this function.
For cooking stuffed roasting joints and fillets
of meat on a single shelf. Food is prevented from
drying out excessively by gentle, intermittent air
circulation. When this ECO function is in use, the
light will remain switched off during cooking. To
use the ECO cycle and therefore optimise power
consumption, the oven door should not be opened
until the food is completely cooked.
For keeping just-cooked food hot and crisp.
For optimal proving of sweet or savoury
dough. To maintain the quality of proving, do not
activate the function if the oven is still hot following
a cooking cycle.
The action of the steam released during this
special low-temperature cleaning cycle allows dirt
and food residues to be removed with ease. Pour 200
ml of drinking water on the bottom of the oven and
only activate the function when the oven is cold.
Download the Use and Care Guide from
docs.bauknecht.eu for more information
* Function used as reference for the energy eciency
declaration in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 65/2014

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht BIK5 DH8FS PT

Bauknecht BIK5 DH8FS PT Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht BIK5 DH8FS PT Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Bauknecht BIK5 DH8FS PT Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht BIK5 DH8FS PT Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Bauknecht BIK5 DH8FS PT Installatiehandleiding - English - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht BIK5 DH8FS PT Installatiehandleiding - Français - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht BIK5 DH8FS PT Snelstart handleiding - Français - 12 pagina's

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