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Instruction manuals provide valuable hints for
using your new device. They enable you to use
all functions, and they help you avoid misun-
derstandings and prevent damage. Please
take the time to read this manual carefully and
keep it for future reference.
Warning! To reduce the risk of injury,
the user must read the instruction
Denotes risk of personal injury, loss
of life or damage to the tool in case
of non-observance of the
instructions in this manual.
Always wear hearing protection. The
effects of noise can cause hearing
Wear safety glasses.
Do not expose the appliance to rain
or high humidity.
Directive 2000/14/EC guaranteed
sound power.
CE stands for “Conformité
Européenne”, which means “In
accordance with EU Regulations”.
With the CE marking, the
manufacturer conrms that this
Electric tool complies with the
applicable European directives.
Do not dispose of electric power
tools with domestic refuse.
ALWAYS use adequate protective equipment,
including cut-resistant gloves, eye protection,
solid shoes and cut-resistant trousers when
working with this hedge trimmer.
DO NOT use the hedge trimmer in the rain
or in damp conditions.
Keep hands and ngers well away from
the blades.
Always hold the hedge trimmer securely
with both hands on the handles when
working with the device.
Disconnect the hedge trimmer from the
power supply before cleaning, removing
obstructions or carrying out maintenance.
DO NOT attempt to free a jammed blade
before the machine has been discon-
nected from the power supply.
Disconnect the hedge trimmer from the
power supply immediately when nishing
work or if work is interrupted. If you are
interrupted when operating the trimmer,
complete the process and switch off
before turning your attention away from
the hedge trimmer.
This hedge trimmer has been designed to
cut soft, new growth and should NOT be
used on thick branches, hard wood or for
other forms of cutting.
This product requires the use of two
hands to ensure safe operation.
Never allow untrained users or children
use the hedge trimmer.
Inspect the area to be cut before starting.
Remove any objects or debris that could
be thrown, jammed or become entangled
in the blades.
Adopt a stable stance always keeping the
hedge trimmer in front of your body.
Grip the front handle bar switch with one
hand. With the other hand grip the rear
handle and with your ngers squeeze the
on/off switch.
Allow the cutting blades to reach full
speed before commencing the cut.
When cutting always move in a forward
direction. Never move backwards while
operating the hedge trimmer in case you
could fall over unseen obstacles.
Never work towards people or solid
objects such as walls, trees or vehicles
If the blade stalls during cutting, stop the
hedge trimmer immediately and discon-
nect it from the mains supply before inves-
tigating the cause. Remove any jammed
debris from the blades and examine them
for damage before re-commencing cut-
ting. Always replace any damaged blades.

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