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Measuring Instrument for Energy Costs
Item-No. 12 53 33
Intended use
The energy cost measuring device is intended for measuring and analysing consumption details
of electrical devices. The measuring device is connected easily between the mains socket and
the electric device and requires no additional installation. It is only to be used with standard
domestic mains sockets with a nominal voltage of 230 V/AC. The max. nominal performance
must not exceed 3680 watts.
To calculate the costs, the current valid electricity rate can be entered. Further, the device pro-
vides a cost forecast per day/month/year.
The consumption details can be displayed and adjusted on the device even when it is unplugged
from a power socket. To do this, the device contains two button cell batteries. The device is only
to be used with the specified batteries.
The measuring device is not officially calibrated and therefore must not be used for billing pur-
The measuring instrument must not be used when it is open, i.e. with an open battery compart-
ment or when the battery compartment cover is missing. Do not make measurements in damp
rooms or under unfavourable ambient conditions.
Unfavourable ambient conditions are:
- Wet conditions or high air humidity,
- Dust and flammable gases, vapours or solvent,
- Thunderstorms or similar conditions such as strong electrostatic fields etc.
Any use, other than the one described above, may damage the product. Moreover, this involves
hazards such as e.g. short circuit, fire, electric shock, etc. It is not allowed to modify or rebuild
any part of the product!
Read the operating instructions carefully and keep them for later reference.
The safety instructions are to be observed without fail!
Safety Instructions
Please read all the instructions before using this device, they include important
information on its correct operation.
The warranty will be void in the event of damage caused by failure to observe
these safety instructions! We do not assume any liability for any consequential
We do not assume any liability for material and personal damage caused by
improper use or non-compliance with the safety instructions! The warranty will
be void in such cases.
This device left the manufacture’s factory in a safe and perfect condition.
We kindly request the user to observe the safety instructions and warnings contained in these
operating instructions to preserve this condition and to ensure safe operation. Please pay atten-
tion to the following symbols:
An exclamation mark indicates important instructions in this operating manual which
must be observed without fail.
This product has been CE tested and complies with the required European guidelines.
Only to be used in dry indoor areas.
CAT II The device corresponds to the excess-voltage category II for implementation in
devices that are directly connected to the public grid via a mains plug.
The unauthorized conversion and/or modification of the product is inadmissible for reasons of
safety and approval (CE).
If you have doubts about how the equipment should be operated or how to connect it safely, con-
sult a trained technician.
Observe the safety and operating instructions of any devices you connect to the device, as well
as those you find in the individual chapters of these operating instructions.
Never touch the device with wet or moist hands. There is danger of a life-threatening electric
Keep the unit out of the reach of children. It is not a toy.
On industrial sites, the accident prevention regulations of the association of the industrial work-
ers’ society for electrical equipment and utilities must be followed.
Since the device generates heat when in use, ensure there is sufficient ventilation provided; do
not cover the housing!!
If you have a reason to believe that the device can no longer be operated safely, disconnect it
immediately and secure it against being operated unintentionally. It can be assumed that safe
operation is no longer possible if:
the device is visibly damaged,
the device no longer works and
the unit was stored under unfavourable conditions for a long period of time or
it has been subjected to considerable stress in transit.
You should also heed the additional safety instructions in each chapter of the operating instruc-
tions for the connected devices.
Never switch the device on immediately after taking it from the cold into a warm environment.
Condensation that forms might destroy your device. Allow the device to reach room temperature
before switching it on.
Package Contents
Energy cost measuring device
2 button cell batteries (type LR 44 or identical in design)
Description of the Parts
1 Protective-earth contact socket with child protection
2 Control and setting key „F“ (downwards)
3 Control and setting key „S“ (upwards)
4 Display: Display area „bottom“
5 Display: Display area „Left“
6 Display: Display area „Right“
7 Rear battery compartment
8 „SET“ key for parameter setting
9 Control and setting key „
“ (Confirmation)
Display indications and Symbols
S Up symbol
F Down symbol
Confirmation symbol
SET Adjustment
MAX Maximum value display
POWER FACTOR Display of the power factor CosPhi
TOTAL Total value
COST Cost display
TIME The actual operating time for the electric consumer load, e. g. for
FORECAST Calculated cost forecast
DAY Cost forecast per day
MONTH Cost forecast per month
YEAR Cost forecast per year
V Volt (unit for electric tension)
A Ampere (unit for electric current)
Hz Hertz (unit for frequency)
W Watt (unit for effective power)
COS Power factor (factor for the phase displacement of V and A)
kWh Kilowatt hour (unit for the electrical work, consumed power per hour)
Inserting/Replacing the Batteries
Before using for the first time or when the display does not show any values after pressing the
button, the coin cell batteries must be inserted or replaced.
The batteries are used to ensure that the set parameters and measured values are saved in the
device even when it is unplugged.
The battery compartment (7) must only be opened if the device is unplugged.
Remove the batteries, if you are not going to use the device for a while, to pre-
vent damage from leaking batteries since even leak proof batteries may corr-
ode. Only handle leaking or corroded batteries with suitable protective gloves.
Risk of acid burns.
Do not leave batteries lying around carelessly. They might be swallowed by
children or pets. If swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.
Make sure that the batteries are not short-circuited. Do not throw batteries into
a fire.
Batteries (non-rechargeable) must not be recharged. There is danger of explo-
To insert/replace the batteries proceed as follows:
Disconnect the device from the mains socket and remove all connected cables.
Remove the two rear screws from the battery compartment. Remove the lid carefully.
Insert two new button cells of the same type into the
battery compartment, paying attention to the correct
polarity. The plus pole of both batteries should points
Close the battery compartment and screw back in
230 3680
Version 07/09

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