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o Clean the baking chamber with a soft, moist cloth and then wipe with a clean cloth to
remove leftover cleaning products.
o Remove leftover food from the Schamotte stone using a natural-hair or brass brush,
without cleaning agents or water.
o For best cleaning, at the end of a working day set the oven to its highest
temperature for 30 minutes (only the lower heating coil dial). Brush the cold surface
of the Schamotte stone the following day.
o Do not use any aggressive chemicals for cleaning the device.
o Use only a soft cloth at the end. Never use any sharp cleaning implements that may
damage the device’s surface.
o Use a soft, dry cloth to dry and polish the device after cleaning.
6.3 Safety instructions for maintenance
o Inspect the power cable regularly for damage. Never use the device if the cable is
damaged. If the power cable is damaged, have an authorised service center or
qualified electrician replace it.
o In case of damage or malfunction, please contact your stockist or our customer
service centre.
o Only a qualified technician and using original spare parts and accessories should
carry out repairs and maintenance of the device. Do not attempt to repair the
device yourself.
7. Possible Malfunctions
Device is on, control light
does not come on and
device does not heat up.
No power.
Burnt fuse.
Check the power source
and power cable.
Contact a sales agent
Device is on, tempera-
ture is set, but device
does not heat up.
temperature dial.
Damaged heating coil.
Contact a sales agent
Contact a sales agent
Device is on, tempera-
ture dial is set, tempera-
ture is rising but it cannot
be regulated (set).
temperature dial
Contact a sales agent

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bartscher Pizzaoven NT 622VS

Bartscher Pizzaoven NT 622VS Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 15 pagina's

Bartscher Pizzaoven NT 622VS Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 15 pagina's

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