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2. The bottom position of the base is the safest. You should use the cot with
the base in the lowest position as soon as your child can sit-up without
your assistance.
3. Never leave anything in the cot which could provide a foothold for your
child to climb out or would present a danger of suffocation or strangulation.
4. Any mattress used in the cot shall be such that the internal height (surface
of the mattress to the upper edge of the bed frame)is at least 500mm in
the lowest position of the bed base and at least 200mm in the highest
position of the bed base.
5. We recommend the use of the Babystyle Rochingham “Comfy sprung”
mattress for this cot (nominal size 1400mm x 700mm).
6. Check on a regular basis that all assembly fittings and screws are
correctly tightened and are not damaged. Care should be taken that no
screws are loose; screws can pinch parts of the body and clothing (eg
strings, necklaces, ribbons for babies’ dummies) which would pose a risk
of strangulation.
7. Warning: Be aware of the risk of open fire and other sources of strong
heat, such as electric bar fires gas fires etc. in the near vicinity of the cot.
Product development dictates that components may occasionally differ from the ones
shown in the diagrams of these instructions. The right to change the specifications and
design of the furniture without prior notice remains with the manufacturer.
All our products are produced from the finest quality materials and are manufactured
under the strictest quality controls.
We guarantee all our products or part there of against faulty manufacture; for a period of
six (6) months from the date of purchase. This guarantee is not effective against
accidental damage or damage caused by incorrect use or neglect. This does not affect
your statutory rights.
Babystyle UK Ltd, Sileby, Leicestershire, LE12 7RJ, United Kingdom

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