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4 5
The straightener heating plates
have a new Ceramic and Titanium
micro-particle coating. Thanks
to this technology, the plates are
smoother and they guarantee per-
fect glide to respect your hair even
Plates with nano Ceramic Tita-
nium coating
25 setting temperature control
(from 120°C to 230°C)
Instant heat up
On/o switch with indicator light
• Automatic shut-o
• Swivel cord
Before using, read the safety pre-
cautions at the end of the booklet.
To straighten your hair
Before straightening, wash and
towel dry your hair then comb
through with a large-tooth comb
to untangle.
Divide your hair into sections. Lift
the upper sections using clips so
that you can work with the sec-
tions underneath.
Plug in the BaByliss pro 230 and
push the ‘I’ button. The red indica-
tor light comes on and will start
to  ash. The rst time you use the
unit, you may notice a little steam
and a particular odor: this is com-
mon and will disappear the next
time you use it.
Select the desired temperature
using the temperature control.
Generally, we recommend the
unit be set to a lower tempera-
ture for  ne, bleached and/or da-
maged hair, and a higher tempe-
rature for curly, thick and/or di -
cult to style hair. Every hair type is
di erent, so we recommend you
use position 1 the  rst time you
straighten. You can gradually in-
crease the setting gradually over
the next uses if necessary. Use the
table below as a guide :
Temperature Hair type
120 – 170°C
Fine, bleached
and/or dama-
ged hair
170 – 200°C
Normal, colou-
red and/or wavy
200 – 230°C
Thick and/or
very curly hair
Allow the hot straightener to heat
up for about a minute. The red
indicator light will stop  ashing
when the unit has heated up to
the selected temperature. Your
straightener is now ready to use;
the red indicator light will stay
Take a section about 2 to 3 cm
wide and place it between the
two heating plates, near the roots
of the hair.
Press the straightener handles
together, hold to keep the sec-
tion between the plates and glide
slowly from the roots to the tips.
Note! When you are straigh-
tening, you might hear some
sizzling and see some steam. Do
not be concerned, this could be
because of evaporation of the se-
bum, some residual hair products
(leave-in hair care, hairspray, etc.)
or excess water that is evapora-
ting from your hair.
Take up a new section of hair
and continue until your hair is all
Repeat again if necessary, then
release the straightener.
Give your hair the  nal touch.
Set your straightened hair with
a light misting of hairspray or a
little mousse, but certainly do not
brush your hair.
After use, press the ‘0’ button and
unplug the unit.
To shape your hair
The BaByliss pro 230 straightener
may also be used to accent certain
sections (fringe, tips turned in or
out, etc.) and to lift the roots.
To lift the roots, take up a section
and hold it straight out from the
scalp, close the plates on the
section and rotate the unit to the
front to give the roots maximum
volume. Hold for a few seconds,
then gently straighten from the
roots to the tips.
To turn the tips under, use as des-
cribed above but turn the unit
under (as you would with a brush
when blow drying). Keep in place
for a few seconds then release.
To turn your tips out, do the same,
but in the other direction.
Automatic shut o
If the straightener remains on for
over 1hr 15min, it turns o auto-
Unplug the unit and allow it to
cool completely.
Clean the plates using a soft,
damp cloth, without detergent,
to preserve the optimal quality
of the plates. Do not scratch the
Store the straighteners with the
plates pressed together to pro-
tect them.

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