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Duet 600 – Edition 4.2 – 13.9.00
To adjust the ringer tone and volume
The Duet 600 has 3 ringer tones to choose from at 3 different
volume levels. One button sets both the tone and volume setting.
See the table opposite to help you select the right setting.
Press the SECRECY (Program) button. The LED will start to flash.
Press the
(Ringer) button.
Press the keypad button, 0 to 9, for the tone/volume you want.
The display will show the current setting and you will hear a
beep from the handset which is not audible unless held up to
the ear, e.g. Press 5 = Tone 2 at medium volume (see table).
Press the SECRECY
button. The LED will stop
flashing. Your selected setting is now stored.
To adjust the speaker volume
The speaker volume can only be adjusted when the telephone is
off the base.
The switch can be found on the left hand side of the telephone.
There are 5 levels. 1 = quietest. 5 = loudest.
The volume will remain at the level you have set between calls
until you adjust it again.
Press to increase the volume.
Press to decrease the volume.
The display will show the volume increase or decrease.
Vol.1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3
Tone Quiet Medium Loud
Tone 1 123
Tone 2 456
Tone 3 789
No Tone 0 = Silent
(the display will show Ringer Off to confirm setting)
Duet 600 – Edition 4.2 – 13.9.00
Setting Up
Please read the instructions carefully before use, and keep this
user guide for future reference.
Connect the telephone line cord
Call Timer
Your Duet 600 automatically times the duration of all outgoing
and incoming calls. The call timer is shown on the right of the
display, replacing any number that was there, e.g.
To redial the last number
The last number dialled is stored in the redial memory.
Press the REDIAL button. The number is shown on the display
and dialled automatically.
Using your Duet 600
To make a call
Lift the handset. You will hear a dial tone.
Enter the telephone number. The number will be shown on the
display and dialled.
To end a call
Replace the handset.
To switch secrecy on and off
When on a call you can talk to someone in the same room,
without your caller hearing.
During a call press the SECRECY (Program) button.
The LED will flash to indicate that secrecy is on. You can talk
and your caller will not hear you.
To resume your call press the SECRECY (Program) button
again. The LED will stop flashing.
Safety information
Do not expose to direct sunlight.
Do not stand your product on carpets or other surfaces which
generate fibres, or place it in locations preventing free flow of air
over its surfaces.
Do not submerge any part of your product in water and do not
use it in damp or humid conditions, such as bathrooms.
Do not expose your product to fire, explosive or other hazardous
Duet 600 – Edition 4.2 – 13.9.00
At a glance
When the ringer is switched off the ring indicator light will continue
to flash to indicate an incoming call. The ringer will remain
switched off until you lift the handset again. It is not possible to
switch the ringer off permanently.
If you are redialling a number when connected to a switchboard,
wait until you hear a dial tone, then press the 9 button, wait again
for a dial tone and then press REDIAL. This applies even if 9 is
stored in REDIAL.
To use the Recall button
You may need to use the RECALL button if you are connected
to a switchboard/PBX (Private Branch Exchange), contact your
PBX supplier for further information. The RECALL button is
also used for BT Select Services.
Storing and dialling numbers
You can store up to 10 numbers in the QUICKDIAL memory
(0 to 9) and a further 3 numbers using the MEMORY buttons
(M1, M2 and M3).
Your Duet 600 comes with memory labels which can be used
to keep a note of your stored numbers.
Hook switch
Lets you make a
follow-on call without
replacing the handset.
Speaker volume
control buttons
Used to adjust the
speaker volume
of a call.
Quickdial button
Use to store and dial
Quickdial numbers.
(Program) button
Allows you to talk
to someone in the
same room without
your caller hearing.
LCD Display
Shows stored/
dialled telephone
numbers. Also
displays call timer
and other visible
Memory buttons
Use to store and
dial one-touch
Recall button
For use with
switchboards and
BT Select Services.
Redial button
Press to redial the
last number called
or to enter a pause
in the memory.
To store a number using the MEMORY buttons
(M1, M2, M3)
Press the SECRECY (Program) button. The LED will start
to flash.
Press the MEMORY button (M1, M2, or M3) under which you
want to store the number. The display will show the location
you have chosen, e.g.
Use the keypad to enter the telephone number.
You can use the UP/DOWN button on the side of the telephone
to go back and delete if you have entered the wrong number.
Press the SECRECY
button. The number will stop
flashing and is now stored.
The display will show
1 Stored.
To store a pause in the dialling sequence of a memory number,
e.g 9, pause, 6, press the REDIAL button.

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