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If you need some help, call us on 0800 145 6789
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If you need some help, call us on 0800 145 6789
or go to bt.com/producthelp
If you need some help, call us on 0800 145 6789
or go to bt.com/producthelp
If you need some help, call us on 0800 145 6789
or go to bt.com/producthelp
If you need some help, call us on 0800 145 6789
or go to bt.com/producthelp
If you need some help, call us on 0800 145 6789
or go to bt.com/producthelp
If you need some help, call us on 0800 145 6789
or go to bt.com/producthelp
Welcome ….
to your BT Duet 210
Corded Telephone
10 number quickdial memory
- for ease of dialling your most
important telephone numbers
Mute – mutes your voice so
you can talk to someone else in
the room without your caller
hearing you
Last number redial – easy,
one-touch dialling of the last
number called
Desk or wall mountable for
your convenience
Getting started
Setting up
1 Plug the telephone line cord into
the telephone wall socket.
Using broadband on the same
phone line?
To avoid problems with your
broadband or noise on your
phone line, you might need to
plug it into the wall socket via a
microfilter (not supplied).
If your main phone
socket has a single
socket, as shown,
you’ll need to
use microfilters.
You don’t need to use
microfilters if your main
phone socket has two
separate sockets,
like these:
2 You can use your telephone on a
desk or similar surface or it can be
wall mounted:
To use on a desk
) Press the telephone line cord into
the groove on the underside of the
base to ensure the phone sits flat.
To wall mount your phone
Before you wall mount, please
check that:
- the wall can support the
weight of the phone
- you are not drilling into any
hidden wiring or plumbing
- the telephone line cord will
reach the telephone socket
BT are not responsible for any
damage/injury caused while
attempting to wall mount your
i) Drill two 4mm diameter holes in
the wall either 100mm or 72mm
apart according to your preference.
Wall plug Screw
100mm or 72mm
ii) Insert wall plugs into the holes,
and then insert a screw into each
hole. Leave approximately 5mm
of the screw head protruding
from the wall to hold the base
securely in place.
iii) Position the telephone onto the
screws. Drop down and secure
into place.
Getting to know your phone Using the phone
Make a call
Lift the handset and wait for the
dial tone.
2 Enter the telephone number.
End a call
Replace the handset or press the
hook switch if you want to make a
follow-on call.
Receive a call
When you receive a call, the
telephone rings and the red
incoming call LED indicator will
flash. Simply pick up the handset
to answer the call.
Last number redial
Lift the handset and press the
button. The last number
called will be redialled.
A redial number can only be 32
digits long. If the last number
redialled was longer than 32
digits only the first 32 digits will
be dialled out.
During a call, press and release the
button to mute the handset
microphone. The red LED on the
mute button will illuminate to
indicate that the mute feature is on.
Your caller now cannot hear you speak.
2 To switch mute off, press and release
the button again. The red LED
will turn off and your caller will now
be able to hear you.
The mute feature will automatically
switch off if you replace the handset
on the base.
Adjust the ringer volume
Adjust the switch on the front of the
handset to the volume you want.
There are 3 volume levels: high,
low or off. The default is high.
Quickdial memory
You can store 10 of your most
frequently dialled telephone numbers
under the quickdial memory buttons
to . There is a quickdial memory
card located on the base of the
telephone so you can make a note of
the number or the contact associated
with the number you have stored.
You’ll need to lift the plastic plate up
so you can write on the card.
Quickdial memory telephone
numbers can be a maximum of
32 digits. If you enter more than
32 digits you will hear an error
tone and the number entered will
not be saved.
Store a number in the
quickdial memory
Lift the handset.
2 Press and hold the button
for 2 seconds until you hear a
confirmation tone, then release.
The red LED on the Mute button
will flash.
3 Press a button to assign a number:
A confirmation tone will
be heard.
4 Dial the number you want to store.
5 Press and release the button.
A confirmation tone will be heard.
6 Replace the handset.
If you wish to cancel storing a
number, replace the handset
on the base. The storing process
will be cancelled and any number
that was previously stored will
be retained.
Dial a quickdial memory number
Lift the handset and wait for the
dial tone.
2 Press the button.
3 Press the quickdial memory
location button to under
which the number you want is
stored. The number will be dialled
out automatically.
Delete a number stored in the
quickdial memory
Lift the handset.
2 Press and hold the button
until you hear a confirmation tone,
then release. The red LED on the
mute button will flash.
3 Press the quickdial memory
location button to that you
want to delete.
4 Press the button. You will
hear a confirmation tone. Replace
the handset on the base.
Press to redial
the last number
Mute (with
LED indicator)
During a call,
mutes your voice
so your caller
cannot hear
you. The red
LED illuminates
when the mute
function is on
and flashes
when storing
a number in
the quickdial
Ringer volume
Use to select the
ringer volume:
high, low or off.
Incoming call
LED indicator
Red LED flashes
to indicate an
incoming call.
Hook switch
Press to make
a follow-on
call without
the handset.
If wall mounted,
allows your
handset to rest
on the base.
Used with switchboard
services and certain
BT Calling Features.
Quick dial
Use to store and dial telephone
numbers in the quickdial memory.
2 3 4 54 6 7 8 9
2838 Duet 210 UG [3].indd 1-8 02/09/2015 16:40

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Abonneer u voor het ontvangen van emails voor uw BT Duet 210 v2 bij:

U ontvangt een email met instructies om u voor één of beide opties in te schrijven.

Ontvang uw handleiding per email

Vul uw emailadres in en ontvang de handleiding van BT Duet 210 v2 in de taal/talen: Engels als bijlage per email.

De handleiding is 1,33 mb groot.


U ontvangt de handleiding per email binnen enkele minuten. Als u geen email heeft ontvangen, dan heeft u waarschijnlijk een verkeerd emailadres ingevuld of is uw mailbox te vol. Daarnaast kan het zijn dat uw internetprovider een maximum heeft aan de grootte per email. Omdat hier een handleiding wordt meegestuurd, kan het voorkomen dat de email groter is dan toegestaan bij uw provider.

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

Controleer uw email en volg de aanwijzingen op om uw inschrijving definitief te maken

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