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To make a handsfree call
The handsfree light will come
on and you will hear the dial
tone. The display will also
show the volume level.
Dial the telephone number.
You can now talk to your caller
through the microphone, or
pick up the handset to speak
to your caller privately.
To receive a call in
handsfree mode
Press the HANDSFREE button
when the phone rings.
To change the volume
on a handsfree call
You can adjust the speaker
volume when you are on a
handsfree call.
Press the VOLUME button.
The volume level will be
shown on the display .
There are 5 levels to choose
from. It is pre-set to the
mid-range level. Press the
VOLUME button to move up
and down each level.
To adjust the
ringer volume
There are 3 ringer volume
settings to choose from:
The default setting is HIGH.
Lift the handset and press the
STORE button.
Press the
The display will show: BELL
Press either, 1 for HIGH, 2
for LOW or 3 for OFF.
Press the STORE button.
Your selected setting will be
You will hear a confirmation
tone and the display will show
Replace the handset.
(If the ringer is set to OFF,
the call indicator light will still
flash to indicate someone is
calling you. The display will
show RINGER OFF when you
lift the handset or use
To set the ringer pitch
The ringer pitch can be set to
HIGH or LOW. The default
setting is HIGH.
Lift the handset and press the
STORE button.
Press the
The display will show BELL
Pitch HI.
Press either, 1 for HIGH or 2
for LOW.
Press the STORE button.
You will hear a confirmation
tone and the display will
show SAVEd.
Replace the handset.
You can only change the volume
of a call when using handsfree.
You can swap between using the
handset and handsfree during a
If using the handset, press the
HANDSFREE button and replace
the handset.
If using handsfree, lift the handset
to talk privately.
1 2
At a glance
Setting up
Plan the location of
your BT Decor 210.
Situate your BT Decor 210 close
enough to a phone socket so
that the line cord will reach.
You can wall-mount your
product, see back page.
Plug your BT Decor 210
into the telephone
Your BT Decor 210 is now
ready for use.
Using the telephone
Safety information
Simply clean your BT Decor 210
with a damp (not wet) cloth, or an
antistatic wipe. Never use household
polish as this may damage the
product. Never use a dry cloth as
this may cause static shock.
Do not open the BT Decor 210.
This could expose you to high
voltages or other risks.
Do not expose to direct sunlight.
We recommend that you do not
place the product on antique/
veneered wood to avoid damage.
Do not stand your product on
carpets or other surfaces which
generate fibres, or place it in
locations preventing free flow of
air over its surfaces.
Do not submerge any part of
your product in water and do not
use it in damp or humid
conditions, such as in bathrooms.
Do not expose your product to
fire, explosive or other hazardous
Making and ending
To make a call
Lift the handset and wait for
the dial tone.
The icon will be shown on
the display to indicate that the
phone is in use.
Dial the telephone number.
Preparatory dialling
Dial the telephone number
without lifting the handset.
It is shown on the display but
will not be dialled. If you have
entered the number incorrectly
press the HANDSFREE button
or lift the handset to clear the
If the number is correct,
press the QUICKDIAL button.
Your BT Decor 210 will
automatically dial the number
using handsfree. The call can
now be taken using handsfree
or you can use the handset.
To end a call
Replace the handset.
Call timer
Your BT Decor 210
automatically times the
duration of all outgoing
external calls. The display will
show to indicate that
call timer is on. The call
duration will be shown both
during the call and for a few
seconds after it is completed.
To receive a call
When the telephone rings the
call indicator light will also
flash to indicate that there is
an incoming call. Simply pick
up the handset.
To redial the last
number called
Lift the handset.
Press the REDIAL button.
The last number called is
displayed and then dialled.
A redial number can be no
longer than 32 digits.
You can also press the REDIAL
button when the handset is
down to check the number first.
If it is correct, press the
QUICKDIAL button. The
number will be dialled
automatically using handsfree.
Secrecy/Music on hold
When on a call you can talk to
someone in the same room,
without your caller hearing.
To switch secrecy
on and off
During a call press and release
the SECRECY button.
Your caller will be put on hold
and both you and the caller
will hear music. You can now
talk to someone in the room
without your caller hearing
you. The display will flash
SECRECY to confirm secrecy
is on.
Press and release the
SECRECY button again to
return to your caller.
Handsfree talking
The handsfree feature allows
you to use the phone without
picking up the handset, giving
you more freedom when you
are speaking on the phone.
You can hear the caller’s voice
through the in-built speaker.
If the telephone has been
unplugged the last number dialled
will not be saved.
When secrecy is in use, and
another telephone connected to
the same line is picked up, secrecy
is cancelled and the call will be
transferred to that telephone.
Your BT Decor 210 is specially
designed to operate without the
need of a mains power supply.
It is therefore necessary to make
your first call via the handset.
This call should last at least
1 minute. Subsequent calls can
now be made using the handset
or handsfree feature.
Whilst storing a number in
the memory you can cancel
the operation by replacing the
handset on the cradle.
One-Touch memories
You can store your three
most frequently used
telephone numbers in the
One-Touch memories (M1,
M2 or M3). Please note that
the number can be no longer
than 18 digits.
To store a one
touch number
Lift the handset.
Press the STORE button.
The display will show Loc-.
Press the memory location
number, (M1,M2,M3), under
which you want to store the
number. The display will
show, e.g. Loc-dl if you want
to store in M1 location.
Enter the telephone number
you want to store, including
the area code if applicable.
Press the STORE button.
You will hear a confirmation
tone and the display will show
SAVEd. Replace the handset.
To dial a One-Touch
Lift the handset and wait for
the dial tone.
Press the memory location
number, (M1,M2,M3), under
which the number is stored.
The number is displayed and
dialled automatically.
You can also dial a One-Touch
number when the handset is
down. Simply press the
memory location number
(M1,M2,M3). Your BT Decor
210 will automatically dial the
number using handsfree.
To insert a pause in
a memory number
Sometimes you may need to
enter a pause when storing a
number, e.g. with an
overseas number you may
need to enter a pause after
storing the international
Press the REDIAL button in
the place where you want to
enter a pause.
When you dial the number
your BT Decor 210 will
automatically insert the
pause where you stored it.
Quickdial memories
You can store a further 10
telephone numbers in the
Quickdial memories. Please
note that the numbers can be
no longer than 18 digits long.
To store a number in
the Quickdial memory
Lift the handset.
Press the STORE button.
Enter the memory location
number between 0 and 9,
under which you want to
store the number. The display
shows, e.g. Loc-8 if you want
to store in location 8.
Enter the telephone number
you want to store, including
the area code if applicable.
Press the STORE button.
You will hear a confirmation
tone and the display will show
SAVEd. Replace the handset.
BT Decor 210 ~ Issue 2 ~ 1st Edition ~ 27th August ’02 ~ 5597
BT Decor 210
Liquid Crystal Display
Displays dialled numbers and
numbers stored in the memory.
Also displays call timer, and other
visible information.
One-Touch memory buttons
Allows you to store and dial up to
three numbers at the touch of a
button. If pressed when handset
is down these are dialled
automatically using handsfree.
Secrecy/Music on hold button
Press to talk to someone in the
same room without your caller
hearing you. When pressed music
will be played to both you and
your caller.
Handsfree button
Allows you to hold a conversation
over the loudspeaker without
lifting the handset.
Volume button
Use to adjust the volume during
handsfree operation.
Quickdial button
Allows you to dial the 10 numbers
stored in the Quickdial memory
at the touch of two buttons.
Also used as a dial button when
using preparatory dialling.
Call indicator light
Flashes to indicate an incoming
call. Also flashes when storing
numbers and setting the ringer.
Store button
Use to store numbers in the
memory and to change the ringer
and pitch volume.
Recall button
For use with a switchboard/PBX
and BT Calling Features.
Please contact your switchboard
supplier for more information.
For more information on BT’s
Calling Features, please call
Freefone 0800 800152.
Redial/Pause button
Redials the last number called.
Also, press to enter a pause when
storing a number.
Handset hook
Keeps the handset in place when
the BT Decor 210 is wall
mounted. See pages 9 & 10 for
more information.
Revolve the handset catch on the
base unit. The handset will now
be able to rest on the hook when

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