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Offices in Europe,
North America,
Japan and Asia Pacific.
The Telecommunications services described
in this publication are subject to availability
and may be modified from time to time.
Services and equipment are provided
subject to British Telecommunications plc’s
respective standard conditions of contract.
Nothing in this publication forms any part
of any contract.
is a registered trade mark of
British Telecommunications plc in the UK.
© British Telecommunications plc 1998.
Registered Office: 81 Newgate Street,
London EC1A 7AJ.
Registered in England No. 1800000.
Printed in Malaysia. Issue No.1 (12/98). 4
Designed by The Art & Design Partnership Ltd.
CE compliant to 89/336/EEC
(EMC Directive) & 73/23/EEC
(Low Voltage Directive)
APPROVED for connection to
telecommunication systems specified
in the instructions for use subject to
the conditions set out in them
Your Converse 220 should be
kept free of dust, moisture and
high temperatures.
Wipe the casing clean with a
damp, not wet, cloth.
Do not use spray or abrasive
cleaners as damage to the
internal components or polished
surfaces could result.
How many phones
can you have? (REN)
All items of telephone
equipment have a Ringer
Equivalence Number (REN),
which is used to calculate the
number of items which may be
connected to any one telephone
line. Your Converse 220 has a
REN of 1. A total REN of 4 is
allowed. If the total REN of 4 is
exceeded, the telephones may
not ring.
With different telephone types
there is no guarantee of ringing,
even when the REN is less than 4.
Connection information
Your Converse 220 may be
connected to public networks in
the United Kingdom.
It may also be connected to
compatible switchboards. If in
doubt, your switchboard
supplier or maintainer should be
able to offer help. Advice on
connection to BT switching
systems can be obtained by
dialling Freefone 0800 800 154.
It can be connected to Meridian
systems with Message Waiting.
The Message Waiting Indicator
responds to the series of line
reversals output by the Meridian.
If you do not have a compatible
switchboard, it cannot be
guaranteed that your Converse
220 will operate correctly under
all possible conditions of
If you own your Converse 220
under BT’s guarantee BT
guarantees the product for one
year provided that:
The goods have only been used
for their intended purpose and
have not been subjected to
misuse, or been wilfully or
accidentally damaged.
The goods have not been
tampered with or repaired by
anyone other than BT, its staff or
agents. If a fault does occur in
this product, and you bought the
unit yourself, provided that you
return it to the place of purchase
and produce your receipt, it will
either be repaired or replace
free of charge.
The terms and conditions of this
guarantee do not affect your
statutory rights.
If you own your Converse 220
outside guarantee:
If your Converse 220 needs
repair after the guarantee period
has ended, it must be repaired
so as to remain compliant with
the approval requirements for
connection to the telephone
We recommend that you contact
BT on Freefone 0800 800 150
or visit your nearest BT shop
and you will be informed of our
recommended repair agents.
Converse 220
Wal l -
Your Converse 220 can be
wall-mounted using the
screws and wall plugs
Unclip the stand on the back
of the Converse 220.
Drill two holes in the wall
61mm vertically apart using
a 8mm drill bit.
Insert the wall plugs if
necessary, then insert the
screws leaving about 5mm
protruding from the wall on
which to hang the phone.
Rotate the handset clip 180˚
so that it protrudes upward.
This holds the handset in
place when wall mounted.
Hang the holes on the back
of the phone over the
screwheads and gently pull
the phone downward to
make sure it is securely in
Hang the handset on the
handset clip.
Using BT
Please note
A switchboard can provide a
similar range of functions to
BT Select Services. If your
Converse 220 is connected to
a switchboard, you can simply
use it as a normal extension.
Your Converse 220 gives
you easy access to the
following range of BT Select
Services. Five of the one-
touch button have been pre-
set with phone numbers for
the following services:
Call Return
(No charge)
Call Diversion
(Quarterly subscription)
Call Minder
(Quarterly subscription)
Reminder Call
(Pay per call)
You can replace the pre-set
numbers with your own
numbers, if you wish.
Simply follow the steps
shown in ‘To store a one-
touch number’, page 4.
For further information, see
the Select Services User
Guide, supplied when you
subscribe to the services of
your choice.
If you are not connected to
the BT network, some of the
services may not be available.
Please contact your network
Call Return
Call Return tells you the
number of the last person
who called you and the time
and date the call was
Lift the handset (or press
the Monitor button)
Press the Call Return one-
touch button.
The Call Return information
is announced.
Call Diversion
You can use your Converse
220 to request the network
to divert incoming calls to
another number.
You can choose to divert:
- all calls
- calls that you do not
answer within 5 rings
- calls when your line is
already engaged.
To switch Call Diversion
on and off
Lift the handset (or press
the Monitor button)
Press the Call Diversion
one-touch button.
Enter the number to which
you would like your calls
Press the # button and
listen for confirmation of
your instructions.
Replace the handset (or
press the Monitor button).
Call Minder
Call Minder gives you a
personal answering service
that takes calls when you do
not answer your phone or if
you are already on the line.
You can record your own
greeting or use a standard
greeting which asks each
caller to leave their message.
Call Minder gives you the
time and day of each
message and you can access
your messages from any
phone with a Touchtone™
Details on how to use Call
Minder are provided when
you subscribe to the service.
To ring your Call Minder
Press the Call Minder one
touch button.
When Call Minder answers,
follow the voice prompts to
play back, save, delete and
skip forward or backward
through your messages.
Reminder Call
You can turn your Converse
220 into a 24 hour alarm
clock, that rings you back at
the exact time you specify.
To set a Reminder Call
Lift the handset (or press
the Monitor button).
Press the Reminder Call
one-touch button.
Use the keypad to enter the
time you want to be called
back. Use the 24 hour
clock, e.g. 0 7 3 0 books a
Reminder Call at 7.30 am
Press # and listen for
Replace the handset (or
press the Monitor button).
Other services
Three Way Calling - ideal for
family or business matters.
Three way calling lets you
speak to two other callers at
the same time.
Charge Advice - instantly
tells you the exact cost of
any call you have just
Call Waiting - If you’re
making a call, a discreet
‘beep’ lets you know another
call is waiting. You can put
your original caller ‘on hold’
by using the R button and
switch to the new caller.
For information on these
and many other valuable
services, call BT on 152.
If you are not connected to
the BT network ask your
Telecom supplier for
information about their
To re-set BT Select
Services buttons
If you have stored your own
numbers over the BT Select
Services one-touch buttons,
you can re-set them to the
original BT numbers.
Lift the handset (or press
the Monitor button).
Press the Store button.
Press twice, the one-touch
button you want to re-set.
Press the Store button.
Replace the handset (or
press the Monitor button).
No dialling tone
Is the line cord plugged into
the telephone socket?
Nothing happens when
you dial
Check that the dialling
mode switch is set to the
correct position
The handset does
not ring
Is the ringer volume set
to OFF?
You may have too many
phones, fax machines
and/or answering machines
plugged in which might be
overloading the sockets.
(See ‘Ringer Equivalence
Number’, page 8).
Memory Service Code
6 Call Return 1471
7 Set Divert 21
Cancel Divert #21#
8 Call Minder 1571
9 Reminder Call on 55
10 Reminder Call off #55#

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U ontvangt de handleiding per email binnen enkele minuten. Als u geen email heeft ontvangen, dan heeft u waarschijnlijk een verkeerd emailadres ingevuld of is uw mailbox te vol. Daarnaast kan het zijn dat uw internetprovider een maximum heeft aan de grootte per email. Omdat hier een handleiding wordt meegestuurd, kan het voorkomen dat de email groter is dan toegestaan bij uw provider.

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

Controleer uw email en volg de aanwijzingen op om uw inschrijving definitief te maken

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