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- General Information -
Intended use -
Private exchanges -
Disposal -
Please read these operating instructions carefully. If you
should have any questions, please contact our Service
Department on the Hotline number 0180 5 00 13 88 (costs
Telekom by printing: 12ct/min). Under no circumstances
open the unit yourself and do not try to carry out your own
repairs. For any claims under the warranty, please refer to
your dealer.
This telephone is designed for use
connected to an analogue telephone line (PSTN) in
Germany. However, due to differences in the services
provided by the various telecommunications providers, we
cannot guarantee that the telephone will work properly
when connected to all telecommunications terminal lines.
The telephone is prepared for connection to a TAE phone
jack with F/N coding and can be used together with other
equipment such as a fax, answering machine, or a
modem. Plug the connecting phone cable only into the
telephone plug socket provided for this purpose. Do not
replace the plug of the connecting phone cable.
The telephone can also be
connected to a private exchange. You can find out from
the dealer from whom the equipment was purchased
whether your telephone will work on your private
exchange without any problems. Due to the large number
of different private exchanges, it is not possible to
guarantee this function.
If the useful life of the complete equipment has
expired, please dispose of it carefully in accordance with
the statutory requirements and in a manner friendly to the
CE mark - The telephone complies with the basic
requirements of the R&TTE Directive This is confirmed by
the CE mark.
- General Information -
Temperature and ambient conditions -
Location -
Cleaning and care -
The telephone
is designed for use in protected rooms with a temperature
range of 10 °C to 30 °C. The telephone must not be
installed in damp rooms such as a bathroom or laundry
room. Avoid proximity to sources of heat such as radiators
and do not expose the unit to direct sunlight.
Do not set up the telephone in the immediate
vicinity of other electrical equipment such as microwaves
or hi-fi systems, as this may result in mutual interference.
The location has a decisive influence on the trouble-free
operation of the telephone.
Place the telephone on a flat and non-slip surface. The
feet do not normally leave any marks on the surface.
However, due to the large number of varnishes and
surfaces in use, it may not be possible to prevent marks
occurring on the surface due to the feet of the unit.
Do not use the telephone in areas where there is a risk of
an explosion.
Excessive exposure to smoke, dust, vibrations,
chemicals, moisture, heat or the direct rays of the sun
must be avoided.
The surface of the case can be
cleaned with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth. Never use cleaning
agents, particularly aggressive solvents. No attention is
necessary apart from cleaning the housing occasionally.
The rubber feet of the telephone are not resistant to all
cleaning agents. The manufacturer can therefore not
accept any liability for possible damage to furniture or the
- Operational Elements -
1 Disconnect button/receiver rest
2 Save button
4 Speed dial button
7 100/300ms
Right side
R signal button
Ring tone switch
FLASH switch
Mute button
Inside the receiver
300 100 ms
- Operation -
Making a call
Receiving calls
Redial facility
Your telephone can be used like any conventional
Lift the receiver and wait until you hear the dialling
Now dial the required telephone number.
To end the call, replace the receiver on the rest. You can
end the current call by using the disconnect button and
you will immediately obtain a new dialling tone.
When a call comes through, you will hear the ringing
tone. The call can now be accepted using the receiver.
If a connection that you have dialled is engaged or you
were unable to get through to anybody, simply replace
the receiver. The last number dialled remains stored in
the telephone automatically. To use the redial facility,
proceed as follows:
Lift the receiver and press the redial button The
stored redial number will now be dialled.
By means of the slide switch you can choose the
settings (loud) or (soft) to match the volume of the
ringing tone to your requirements. If at any time you do
not want to be disturbed, use the setting (off).
Adjustable ring tone
- Operation -
Muting the microphone
Saving numbers under the speed dial buttons
You can switch off the microphone during a call using the
mute button, . It is thus possible to speak without the
other party hearing you. The loudspeaker remains
switched on and you can continue to hear the other party.
To mute the microphone, press and hold the mute button
once while a call is being made.
To switch the microphone on again, release the mute
button and you will be able to continue your call as
1. Lift the receiver.
2. Press the store button .
3. Enter the required telephone number with a maximum
of 16 digits using the number pad.
If you enter the wrong number, you can break
off the process at this point by replacing the receiver
on the rest.
4. Press the store button .
5. Now select a speed dial storage location by pressing a
number between 0 and 9 on the number pad.
6. Replace the receiver on the rest to complete the save
Storage locations that have already been used cannot be
erased. Simply save a new number in the storage location
that you want to erase.
Tips on storing numbers:
- Operation -
Making a call using the speed dial buttons
Private exchanges - Setting up for T-NET
1. Lift the receiver.
2. Press the speed dial button .
3. Now press the required storage location between 0
and 9 on the keypad. The stored number will now be
dialled automatically.
4. To end the call, replace the receiver.
With your telephone you can make calling by way of the
private telephone network providers considerably easier.
Save the access numbers to the private network providers
and the actual telephone numbers separately in different
storage locations. First dial the memory location for the
private network provider and then a direct dial button or
over the speed dial button the memory location for the
required telephone number or dial the required telephone
number manually.
You can use the “R” signal button on your telephone on
private exchanges and when using DEUTSCHE
TELEKOM's T-Net functions.
If you have connected your
telephone to a private exchange, you can use all the
facilities such as call transfer, automatic recall, etc. The “R”
signal button gives you access to these facilities. The
FLASH time “100ms” will be required on a private
exchange. To make this setting, move the slide switch on
the right side to the “100ms” position. You can find out
from the dealer from whom the equipment was purchased
whether your telephone will work on your private exchange
without any problems and which other facilities you will
have access to.
Interesting note!
Private exchanges -
- Operation -
T-NET functions -
Dialling telephone numbers when using on private
Your telephone supports the most
important DEUTSCHE TELEKOM added value services
(e.g. brokering, call waiting, three-way conferencing, etc.).
Please contact DEUTSCHE TELEKOM to gain access to
these functions (some of which are subject to charge).
When using T-NET functions, move the slide switch on the
right side to the “300ms” position.
With private exchanges, it is necessary to dial a certain
number (e.g. "9" or "0") in order to obtain a dialling tone for
an outside line on the extension. With some, older private
exchanges, it takes some time before the dialling tone can
be heard. Especially for these private exchanges, an
automatic pause can be inserted after connecting to the
outside line so that you can dial directly without waiting for
the dialling tone.
Press the redial button once between the number for
the outside line and the actual telephone number. After
connecting to an outside line your telephone will wait for 3
seconds before dialling the actual telephone number.
You can store the pause under the speed dial buttons.
- Commissioning -
General Information
Check contents of pack
Connecting the telephone
Wall mounting
NOTE! Before commissioning, it is essential that you read
the General Information at the beginning of this manual.
The following items are supplied
- one telephone with telephone connecting cable
- one instruction manual
Connect the firmly installed telephone cable to the
telephone socket.
The telephone works using the tone dialling system.
Your telephone is also suitable for wall mounting. Use two
flat head screws for fixing. Drill two holes horizontally side
by side, 83 mm apart, and leave the screws protruding
from the wall by 5mm. Now place the telephone over the
screws and push it slightly downwards.
If you are using the telephone fitted to the wall, you can
hang the receiver on the telephone without hanging up.
You will find a small hook for this purpose at the upper end
of the receiver rest.
- Important information -
Fault finding
Remove all extra telephone equipment and connect only
the telephone directly to the telephone socket.
If the fault is still present, connect another telephone (if
available) to the telephone socket. The results will show
you whether the fault lies with the unit or with the
telephone line.
In the case of technical problems you can also contact our
Service Department on the Hotline number
0180 5 00 13 88 (costs Telekom by printing: 12ct/min).
AUDIOLINE equipment is manufactured and tested in
accordance with the most up to date production methods.
Selected materials and highly developed technology
ensure trouble-free operation and long life. If your unit
should develop a fault within the guarantee period,
however, please contact the shop where you bought your
AUDIOLINE equipment exclusively and have your
purchase receipt available for inspection. The warranty
period is 24 months calculated from the day of purchase.
Within the guarantee period, all defects due to material or
manufacturing faults will be repaired free of charge. The
guarantee is invalidated if the equipment has been
tampered with by the purchaser or third parties. Any
damage caused by improper handling or operation, by
incorrect positioning or storage, by improper connection or
installation or by excessive force or other external
influences is not covered by the guarantee. In the case of
complaint, we reserve the right to repair or replace
defective parts or to exchange the equipment.
Warranty conditions:
- Important information -
Exchanged parts or exchanged equipment become our
property. Claims for compensation are excluded insofar as
they do not relate to criminal intent or gross negligence on
the part of the manufacturer. All guarantee claims according
to these conditions must be raised exclusively with your
dealer. Rights under the guarantee can no longer be
enforced after the expiry of 24 months from purchase and
delivery of our products. In the case of unnecessary or
unjustified demands on the customer service department,
we will levy our usual service charges for materials, time,
postage and packing. Any complaints must be reported as
soon as a problem is found. The guarantee is valid within
the German Federal Republic.
The telephone complies with the basic requirements of the
R&TTE Directive "1999/5/EEC". This is confirmed by the CE
For the complete Declaration of Conformity, please use the
free download from our web site www.audioline.de.
Declaration of Conformity/CE mark
- Notizen / Notes -
- Notizen / Notes -

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