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Dear Audi Driver,
The aim of this quick reference guide is to introduce you to the
main features and controls of your vehicle.
This quick reference guide cannot replace the information con-
tained in the Owner's Manual; it is therefore important that you
also read the notes and warnings in the Owner's Manual.
We wish you safe and enjoyable motoring
with your new Audi.
Adjusting head restraints
Move the head restraint up or
Tipping backrest forwards
Lift the handle and tip the
backrest forwards.
Adjusting angle of backrest
Lean forwards and turn adjuster
Adjusting seat height
Pull the lever up to raise the
seat; press it down to lower the
Moving seat backwards or
Lift the handle and move the
The backrest of the rear seat is
split into two sections which can
be folded down individually.
Folding backrest down
Pull handle in direction indicated
and tip backrest forwards.
Returning backrest to upright
Push backrest up until it
engages securely.
The central locking system locks
and unlocks the doors. It can be
operated with the remote con-
trol or by turning the key in the
Operating the radio-
activated remote control
Press the appropriate button for
about 1 second.
Unlocking button
Open one of the doors or
the boot lid within about
60 seconds, otherwise the
vehicle will lock itself again
Unlocking button for boot lid
Press the button for at least
1 second.
Locking button
The turn signals will flash briefly
when the car is locked to con-
firm that doors and boot lid are
closed properly.
Folding out the master key
Press the release button.
Folding away the master key
Press the button and fold the key
Press and hold unlocking
button of remote control (or turn
and hold key in lock) to open all
the windows. Press and hold
locking button of remote control
(or turn and hold key in lock) to
close all the windows.
The doors and win-
dows cannot be opened from
inside the vehicle if it has been
locked from the outside.
Anti-theft alarm
The alarm system is automati-
when the car is locked.
The alarm system is
sswwiittcchheedd ooffff
automatically when you unlock
the vehicle with the remote
If you unlock the vehicle
by inserting the key in the
driver’s door, the ignition
must be switched on within
15 seconds, otherwise the alarm
will be triggered.
Locking and unlocking the vehicle Adjusting front seats
Rear seat
Audi TT Coupé
Quick reference guide

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Andere handleiding(en) van Audi TT Coupe

Audi TT Coupe Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 32 pagina's

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