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Problems Check
The device does not heat
- Check that the programming unit is in Comfort mode.
- Check that the premise circuit breakers are triggered or that the
load shedder (if you have one) has not interrupted the device’s
power supply.
- Check the air temperature in the room.
The appliance does not follow
the programming instructions
- Ensure that you use the programming unit correctly (refer to the
instructions manual), that the programmer is correctly lodged in its
housing and that it is operating normally (check the condition of the
The heating device heats
- Check that the device is not located in a draft or that the tempera-
ture setting has not been set high.
Odour when first switched on
- When it is first switched on, the device may give off a slight odour.
This is not the result of any fault in the device and the odour will
dissipate after a few minutes. If necessary, air the room until the
odour dissipates.
This device is electronically controlled and its microprocessor can be affected by significant local inter-
ferences (outside the EU norms defining the level of protecton against interference).
If a problem should arise (locked thermostat, etc), cut the power supply to the device (fuse, circuit brea-
ker, etc) for approx. 10 minutes to reset the appliance.
If the problem recurs frequently, have your electricity supply checked by your electricity supplier.
- To maintain the performance of the device, the upper and lower grills must be cleaned with a vacuum
clener or a brush approximately twice per year.
- Every five years, have the heater checked and cleaned by a qualified electrician.
- In dirty environments, stains may appear on the appliance’s grill.This is caused by poor quality ambient
air. Such stains do not justify replacement of the appliance under guarantee.
- The casing can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
- Do not use abrasive products.

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