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If you find that the system loses efficiency, please make sure:
-system orientation is correct,
-nothing covers the collector or shades it,
- the collector glass is not covered with opaque substances (dirt, dust)
- the closed circuit is free of leaks,
- the solar circuit is sufficiently filled,
-the pipes connecting the system are sufficiently insulated.
The system is protected from overheating by safety valves.
If the system is not used for long periods during the summer (e.g. during vacations) it is best to cover the collector.
The system is protected from freezing by an adequate amount of glycol. The glycol fill-level must be checked annually by a certified technician.
The antifreeze concentration must be suitable for actual conditions. The glycol provided is propylene glycol 1.2.
The system should be serviced annually. The necessary steps are:
- Checking and replacing magnesium anodes.
- Checking safety valves
- Checking the solar fluid (glycol) fill level in the solar circuit. Top up if necessary.
- Checking pipework sealing
-Replace seals, if necessary.
The device must be installed, operated, and maintained according to best practice in accordance with applicable standards in the country where it is installed, and
the instructions in this leaflet. The Commercial Warranty covers free replacement of tanks and components found to be defective by our customer service,
excluding wear parts (magnesium anode, gaskets..), and without compensation, or extending the warranty. It does not cover the cost of labor and transportation
related to exchanging parts, which will be charged in accordance with our rates. It takes effect from the date of installation, as evidenced by the purchase or
installation invoice; in the absence of proof, the date used shall be the date of manufacture indicated on the water-heater’s information plate plus 6 months. Costs
and damage due to improper installation (freezing, failure to connect the wastewater to the sewer ...) or access difficulties, shall not, under any circumstances, be
our responsibility. Any damage must be reported to the depositary before exchange under warranty, and the unit shall remain available to insurance adjusters and
the manufacturer. The provisions of this warranty conditions shall not be deemed the buyer’s sole recourse: the legal guarantee for faults and hidden defects under
the legal terms of each country shall apply in any case. The guarantee shall only apply to products examined and found to be defective by the company
responsible for the warranty. It is imperative to keep the product available to said company.
Shall be excluded from the warranty: Wear parts: magnesium anode.... Devices that cannot be examined (difficult to access for repair, maintenance, or expertise).
Devices exposed to abnormal environmental conditions: freezing, water with characteristics of abnormal aggression outside the criteria for drinking water, power
supply with abnormal surges. Devices installed without regards to standards and regulations in the country of installation: absence or incorrect installation of safety
devices against overpressure, corrosion due to abnormal hydraulic connection (iron/copper contact), incorrect grounding, inadequate electrical cable section, non-
compliance with wiring diagrams indicated in this leaflet. Devices not maintained in accordance with the requirements of this notice. Device repairs or part or
component replacements not made or authorized by the company responsible for the warranty. The products described herein are subject to change at any time in
response to changing technologies and standards.

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