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4) Frost-Free mode
This mode is used to keep the temperature at approximately 7°C in the room
when you are absent from the house for a prolonged period (i.e. more than
24 hours).
a) Set the 1 switch on
(electronic model).
5) The heating indicator : V1
This light comes on when the heating element is working. It may ash when
the temperature has stabilised.
6) Locking the controls :
It is possible to lock or limit use of the 2 control knob and lock the 1 switch
to prevent unauthorised manipulation of the panel heater (children, etc.).
a) Unhook the panel heater from its wall mounting
b) Remove the slugs P on the back of the thermostat from their mountings.
c) Select position B to lock the control knob or position L to limit the amount
it can be turned. Position M blocks the switch.
7) Using the pilote wire
The product with pilote wire can receive the following signals from a master
unit :
- comfort (temperature of (2) control knob)
- eco (comfort temperature -3°C to -4°C)
- frost free (approximately 7°C)
- off.
Put the switch (1) to the programming mode (clock symbol).
The product must be connected through the pilote wire to a programming
control or a product equiped with pass
program system in order to use these different modes. You can control
several convectors with a single programmer or a product equiped with pass
program system.
Warning : The control unit will consider frost free and off signals in any
switch selection.
8) Using the on/off pass program system ref. 602019
When using programming mode (clock symbol) with the on/off pass program
system (interface + timer), the moon symbol on the timer refers to the off
mode (no heating).
Warning : the control unit will consider the off signal in any switch selection.
- There is no point in setting maximum heating, the room temperature will
not rise any quicker.
- When you air the room, disconnect the panel heater by putting the 1
switch to
- If you leave for several hours, remember to reduce the temperature.
Absence for :
less than 2 hours, do not touch the controls.
2 to 24 hours, set the cursor 1 switch knob to
more than 24 hours or in the summer, put the 1 on
- If you have several units in a room, let them operate simultaneously.
This will give you a more uniform temperature without increasing electricity
Children must not lean on the appliance. Under certain circumstances,
there is a risk that its surface may cause burns to the skin of young
children. If there is any risk of this at all, install a protection grill.
This device is not intended for use by persons (including children)
with physical, sensory or mental disability, or by persons lacking
experience or knowledge, unless they have received from a person
in charge of their safety adequate supervision or preliminary
instructions on how to use the device.
Care must be taken at all times to keep children from playing with
the device.
Do not introduce objects or paper into the device.
Do not totally or partially block the grilles on the front or inside of
the appliance, as this may cause overheating. If the supply cord
is damaged, it must be replaced by a service agent or similarly
qualied person in order to avoid a hazard (applies to all units).
All work to the inside of the appliance must be carried out by a
licensed electrician.
To maintain performances of your unit, you should clean the upper and
lower grilles of the unit about twice a year using avacuum cleaner or a brush.
Have a professional check the inside of the unit every ve years.
Dirt may collect on the grille of the unit if the atmosphere is polluted. This
phenomenon is due to the poor quality of the ambient air. In this case, it
is recommended to check that the room is well ventilated (ventilation, air
inlet, etc.), and that the air is clean. The unit will not be replaced under the
guarantee because of this type of dirt.
The unit casing should be cleaned with a damp cloth, never use abrasive
If the unit does not heat : Check that the programmer is in COMFORT
mode (electronical). Make sure that the installation circuit breakers are
switched on, or that the load shedder (if you have one) has not switched off
the unit power supply. Check the air temperature in the room.
The unit does not carry out programming orders : (version with pilot
Make sure that the programming unit is being correctly used (refer to its
user’s manual) or that the Chronocarte is properly inserted in its housing and
that it is operating normally (batteries ?).
The unit is permanently heating : Make sure that it is not in a draft and
that the temperature setting has not been changed.This unit with electronic
control is equipped with a microprocessor that can be distribued by some
severe mains voltage disturbances (outside EC standards dening the
disturbance protection level). If there are any problems (thermostat blocked,
etc.) switch off the unit power supply (fuse, circuit breaker, etc.) for about 5
minutes to allow the unit to start again.
Have your energy distributor check your power supply if the
phenomenon occurs frequently.

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