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1. Unscrew only the machine knob nut and remove the cover
Unscrew the wing nut and remove the air filter (21).
Remove the foam filter (21A) from the paper filter (21B).
4. Inspect both air filter elements. Replace the elements if
5. Clean the filter elements if they are re-used.
Paper filter: To remove the dirt, tap the filter several times
against a hard surface. You can also blow the filter clean with
compressed air (not over 2.07 bar).
Foam filter: Wash the air filter in warm soap water. Rinse well.
Squeeze the filter in a dry and clean cloth. Allow the filter to dry
well. Dip the filter into engine oil and then squeeze it in a dry and
clean cloth to remove surplus oil. The engine smokes if the foam
contains too much excess oil.
Clean the air filter mounting plate (33) and seal (32) with a
wet rag. Make sure that no dirt enters the air line to the
Place the foam filter on the paper filter. Install the complete air
filter again. Tighten the wings nuts. Pay attention that the seal
(32) is installed under the air filter.
8. Clean the cover with a wet rag.
9. Re-mount the cover.
Never operate the machine without air filter. Dust and dirt can
enter the engine and cause damages to the machine.
Replace the air filter on a regular basis.
Damaged air filters must be replaced without delay.
Checking / replacing the spark plug
Do not touch the spark plug or the spark plug connector while
the engine is running. High voltage!
Risk of burning on the hot engine. Wear protective gloves.
Check the spark plug and the spark gap on a regular basis.
For this proceed as follows:
1. Allow the engine to cool down.
Pull the spark plug connector (27) from the spark plug.
Remove the spark plug (26) using the supplied spark plug
wrench (36).
4. Clean the spark plug when it is contaminated.
The electrode gap must be 0.7 – 0.8 mm.
6. Carefully screw in the spark plug by hand to prevent damage to
the thread.
7. Now tighten the spark plug with the spark plug wrench.
Used spark plug: 1/8 – 1/4 turn
New spark plug: 1/2 turn
A loose spark plug may overheat and damage the engine.
Tightening the spark plug too firmly may damage the
thread in the cylinder head.
8. Put the spark plug connector back in place.
Replace the spark plug:
every 100 hours or each season (whichever case comes first)
when the insulating body is damaged,
when the electrodes show excessive erosion,
when the electrodes show excessive dirt or oil.
Use the following spark plug type: F7RTC
Alternative spark plugs:
Bosch WR 7 DC; NGK VPR 6 ES; Champion RN 9 YC;
Oregon OLR 15 YC
Checking the ignition spark
1. Allow the engine to cool down.
Pull the spark plug connector (27) from the spark plug (26).
Remove the spark plug (26) using the supplied spark plug
socket spanner (36).
4. Firmly connect the spark plug connector.
5. Adjust the engine as described in ”Cold start of the engine“
(section 1-4).
6. Use an insulated pair of tongs to press the spark plug against the
engine body (away from the spark plug hole).
7. Firmly pull the cranking rope on the cranking handle.
A spark between the electrodes is a sign of proper functioning.
Silencer / exhaust outlet
Check the silencer regularly.
Clean the exhaust outlet (41) on a regular basis.
Do not clean the silencer when the engine is hot. Danger of
Oil change
Change the oil as long as the engine is still warm. Warm oil
drains quickly and completely.
The oil must be changed after the first 5 operating hours. Then, only
every 100 operating hours or once in a season.
Two persons are required.
1. Unscrew the oil drain plug (4).
Unscrew the oil filling plug (3).
First person:
Hold a container with a capacity of at least 0.6 litres below the oil
drain plug.
Second person:
Tilt the garden shredder to allow the oil to flow out.
4. Thoroughly clean the area around the oil outlet.
5. Retighten the oil drain plug.
6. Slowly pour 0.6 litres of new oil (for oil type see “Fuelling”) into
the hole.
7. Tighten the oil filling plug.
8. Wipe off oil residues/spilling.
Please refer to the ”Engine Operating Instructions“ for
more information on the engine.
Machine blocked
Sticked material within the machine reduces the machine’s
How to remove blockings?
Remove the spring cotter pin (34).
Pull out the pin (35).
Remove the screw (A).
Turn up the covering (49).
Open the hinged cover (19).
Push the ejection screen (6) towards the ejection slot.
Remove the ejection screen.
8. Remove all contamination from the machine.
9. Re-install the ejection screen.

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