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European Compliance
This product complies with the provisions of the Electromagnetic Com-
patibility (EMC) Directive (89/336/EEC), the Amending Directive (92/
31/EEC), the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC), and the CE Marking
Directive (93/68/EEC). As such, this product bears the CE marking in
accordance with the above applicable Directive(s).
A copy of the Declaration of Conformity may be obtained from: ARRIS
International, Inc., 3871 Lakefield Drive, Suite 300, Suwanee, GA
As indicated by this symbol, disposal of this prod-
uct or battery is governed by Directive 2002/96/
EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
on waste electrical and electronic equipment
(WEEE). WEEE could potentially prove harmful to
the environment; as such, upon disposal of the Te-
lephony Modem the Directive requires that this
product must not be disposed as unsorted munic-
ipal waste, but rather collected separately and dis-
posed of in accordance with local WEEE
This product complies with directive 2002/95/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January
2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous
substances (RoHS) in electrical and electronic equip-
End User License Agreement and Limited
This Standard License Agreement and Limited Warranty ("Agree-
ment") applies to all ARRIS manufactured or otherwise ARRIS provid-
ed products ("Products") and the corresponding current and
subsequently provided versions of software or firmware, if any, wheth-
er embedded in the Products or used in conjunction with the Products,
("Software"). The Product, without the Software, is referred to in this
Agreement as the ("Hardware"). The Software and Hardware are AR-
RIS Products and may be referred to in this Agreement as the ("Sys-
If you ("You" or "Purchaser") and ARRIS International, Inc. ("ARRIS")
have entered into a separate written agreement, then, inconsistent
terms between this Agreement and the separate agreement shall be
governed by such separate agreement.
If You do not agree to be bound by this Agreement, please return the
Products to the Party from whom You acquired the Products. Use of the
Products shall constitute acceptance of the terms hereof.
Subject to the terms herein, ARRIS grants You a royalty-free, non-ex-
clusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use the Soft-
ware with the Products, in binary object code form only. You may use
third party software products or modules supplied by ARRIS solely with
the System, unless the licensing terms of the third party software
specify otherwise. You may not disclose the results of Software perfor-
mance benchmarks to any third party without ARRIS’ prior written
consent. All rights not specifically granted to You herein are retained
You and/or any third party agree not to (i) make any copies of the Soft-
ware, (ii) modify, decompile, disassemble, separate, reverse engineer
or otherwise attempt to derive any source code from the Software; (iii)
transfer the Software to any third party without ARRIS’ written con-

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De handleiding is 4,16 mb groot.


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