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Under no circumstances should you try to repair the system yourself, as this will
invalidate the warranty. Do not open the system as there is a risk of electric shock.
If a fault occurs, first check the points listed below before taking the system for repair.
Problem Solution
No power Check if the AC power cord is properly connected.
Press the STANDBY ON on the front of the DVD
system to turn on the power.
No picture Refer to your TV’s manual for correct Video In
channel selection. Change the TV channel until you
see the DVD screen.
Check if the TV is switched on.
Distorted picture Sometimes a small amount of picture distortion may
appear depending on the disc being played back. This
is not a malfunction.
Completely distorted picture or Connect DVD Player directly to the TV.
black/white picture with DVD Make sure the disc is compatible with the DVD/
Ensure that the DVD Player’s TV Type is set to match
that of the Disc and your TV.
No sound or distorted sound Adjust the volume.
Check that the speakers are connected correctly.
No audio at digital output Check the digital connections.
Check if your receiver can decode MPEG-2 or DTS
and if not, please make sure the digital output is set
to PCM.
Check if the audio format of the selected audio
language matches your receiver capabilities.
No sound and picture Check that the RGB/SCART cable is connected to
the correct device (See Connecting TV).
Disc cant be played The DVD+R/CD-R must be finalised.
Ensure the disc label is facing up.
Check if the disc is defective by trying another disc.
If you have recorded a Picture CD or MP3 CD
yourself, ensure that your disc contains at least 10
pictures or 5 MP3 tracks.
Region code incorrect.
Picture freezes momentarily Check the disc for fingerprints/scratches and
during playback clean with a soft cloth wiping from centre to edge.
No return to start-up screen when Reset the unit by switching the player off, then on
disc is removed again.
01-30 XDV425_EU_004 23/12/2004, 6:04 PM28

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Andere handleiding(en) van Aristona ADV425

Aristona ADV425 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Aristona ADV425 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 26 pagina's

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