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Technical Installation Instructions and User Guide
The warranty is only valid if a qualied technician carries out the installation.
The warranty does not cover faults due to:
Abnormal environmental conditions :
• positioning in a location that is aected by freezing or bad weather.
• supply with rainwater, well water, or water that displays particularly abnormal aggressiveness and does not conform to current national re-
gulations and standards.
• the warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of units and components that were found to be defective from the start.
If necessary, the part or the product may be returned to one of our factories, but only after the prior agreement of our technical services
deparment. The user will be responsible for labour, freight, packaging and transport costs. Repair or exchange of a component in the unit
can not in any case lead to compensation.
• various damage caused by bumps or drops during handling after delivery from the factory.
• in particular, water damage that could have been avoided by repairing the water heater immediately.
The warranty only applies to the water heater and its components and excludes all or any part of the electric or hydraulic installation of the
• electrical supply where there are signicantly high voltages (in cases where an electric kit has been installed).
An installation that does not conform to regulations, current national standards and best industry practice.
In particular :
• the absence or incorrect installation of the safety assembly.
installation of a safety assembly that does not meet current national standards or use of a previously used safety assembly on a
newly installed water heater.
• modifying the safety assembly settings after breaching the seal.
• abnormal corrosion due to incorrect hydraulic connections (direct iron-copper contact).
• defective electric connection that does not meet current national installation standards, earthed incorrectly, insucient cable section,
prescribed connection diagrams not being followed, etc. (in cases where an electric kit has been installed).
• powering the unit without lling it beforehand (dry heating).
Insucient maintenance :
• abnormal scaling of the heating elements and the safety devices.
• not maintaining the safety assembly that leads to overpressure (see instructions).
• body subjected to external abuse.
• modifying original equipment without the consent of the manufacturer or using external parts that it has not referenced.
• not maintaining the unit, in particular not replacing the anode soon enough (see "MAINTENANCE").
For areas with very hard water, the use of a water softener does not cause our warranty to become void as long as the water softener
meets current industry regulations, and is checked and maintained regularly. In particular: the residual hardness must not be lower
than 12°F.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ariston BCH 120L

Ariston BCH 120L Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 15 pagina's

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