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and that the internal boiler is starting to heat up.
Be sure to have rst removed the dust from the oor. Run the appliance over the oor after pushing the steam dispensing
Do not use the appliance without the cloth. The cloth can be purchased at Authorised Service Centres.
Use the appliance in well-lit rooms.
Danger of burns! Do not turn the steam head upside-down during use to remove the cloth.
Unplug it from the socket-outlet. Wait at least 5 minutes so that the steam head and cloth cool down.
You can remove the cloth during use to rinse it. Press the button (A) to stop steam dispensing before removing the cloth
and unplug it from the socket-outlet.
No special operation is necessary when the water in the tank runs out. Just unplug the machine, pull out the tank and ll it
with fresh cool water again. If the tap water is particularly hard (higher than 20°f), use a mixture of 50% tap water and 50%
demineralised water.
Make sure that the cloth is positioned under the steam head. Position the accessory with the at part in contact with the oor.
Attach the appliance to the accessory and apply slight pressure (Fig. 12). The appliance is ready for use.
Remove the power cable from the socket-outlet. Empty the water tank completely so as to prevent the water from stagnat-
ing, which may form lime deposit.
Wait at least 5 minutes so that the steam head and cloth cool down.
Remove the cloth. Wind the power cord on the hooks (C) and (J). Press the handle release button (D). Bend the handle until
the appliance is closed (Fig. 13). Put the motor body in a vertical position (Fig. 14).
Make the joint between steam head and motor body snap so that the appliance is stable in a vertical position.
Put the appliance in a dry place and away from the reach of children.
Always unplug the appliance before cleaning it. Let the appliance to cool down for a few minutes.
Never immerse the appliance in water or other liquids.
Check the state of the power cable of your appliance on a regular basis before using it, and if it is damaged, take it
to the service centre closest to you to have it replaced only by specialised personnel.
Do not use abrasive products for cleaning the appliance.
Do not put vinegar, decalcifying agents or other fragrant substance inside the tank; otherwise, the warranty may
be revoked.
Clean plastic parts with a damp, non-abrasive cloth and dry them with a dry cloth.
Clean the water tank from time to time by putting fresh water in it. Rinse and empty.
Follow the instructions on the label to clean the washable cloth.
The lter (I) must be replaced every 4-6 months or after 100 cleaning cycles (one cycle is equivalent to the consumption of a
full tank of water). Unplug it from the socket-outlet. Wait for the hot parts to cool down. Remove the tank. Extract the lter (I) by
pulling it upwards, parallel to the motor body. Replace the lter with a new one, being sure to put it rmly in its seat (Fig. 15).

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