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Additional Information
Opening User's Manual on CD
1. Double-click the file manual.pdf found at the root level of the CD
2. The User's Manual will be opened if Acrobat Reader has been installed in your computer. If necessary,
take the following steps to install Acrobat Reader.
Installing Acrobat Reader
Insert the supplied program CD in the CD-ROM drive
Locate the file named ar40eng.exe at the root level of the program CD
Double-click ar40eng.exe icon and follow the installation instructions
Product Specifications
Resolution High: 352 x 288 (CIF)
Low: 176 x 144 (QCIF)
Lens F 3.0, 45mm (35mm Equiv.), Plastic
Internal Memory 2MB SDRAM
Number of pictures camera can hold CIF: 20
QCIF: 80
Max. length of movie camera can hold 13 seconds at QCIF
PCCam recording frame rate Approx. 4 fps at 320 x 240, 12fps at 160 x 120
Battery Power 3 AAA alkaline batteries ( 4.5V)
File Format BMP, JPEG, GIF
Focusing Range 2 feet to infinity
Operating Conditions 0 ~ 40 degree Celsius
Dimensions 110(W) x 75(H) x 40(D) mm
Net Weight 105g without batteries
* We continue to improve upon our products and therefore specifications are subject to change without
prior notification.*
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. I always take poor quality photos at home, why?
It may be due to insufficient light intensity at your home. Try to increase the illumination of your
home when taking photos. However, it is not recommended that you use the camera indoors or at
night where light intensity is not sufficient.
2. Why would I get dark images even when the photos are taken outdoors?
The objects may be in a shade, for example, under a tree.
3. How can I avoid getting dark images?
Pay attention to the background light intensity as it will affect the exposure of the main object. The
camera can calculate the total light intensity of the picture and fine-adjust the exposure. If the
background is too dark, the object will be too bright. If the background is too bright, the object will
be too dark. Change the angle where you take the pictures so that the object and the background
are with similar light intensity.
4. Why would I get fuzzy, unclear photos?
There might be some movements of your body or hands when taking photos. Hold the camera
steadily with both hands. Use the first finger of your right hand to press the shutter. Stand on solid
ground. Do not move or run when pressing the shutter. Even tiny movements will result in fuzzy
5. Why would I get some blurry areas in a photo?
You may have covered part of the lens when taking the photo. Or there may be some grease on
the lens. Remove it with a dry and soft cloth.
6. Can I take a photo of the Sun?
DO NOT point your camera directly to strong light sources such as the Sun as it may damage the
CMOS image sensor inside the camera. If you do so, the background will be too dark and you see
nothing in the photo.
7. Why would image colors change if I take photos indoor?
The use of light bulbs indoor will affect the image colors you see on photos. To improve the situation,
use daylight bulbs or fluorescent lamps instead.
8. How should I position my camera to get good quality images?
Keep the viewfinder horizontal as much as possible. Try to kneel down if necessary.
9. Why would I get horizontal, black stripes in photos taken abroad?
The camera is set to your country's AC mains frequency (e.g. 60Hz for US). If you take photos under
an electric light source in another country with a different frequency (e.g. 50Hz), you will get horizontal,
black stripes in those photos, due to incorrect mains frequency. There will be no problems when
taking photos under sunlight.
10. Can I use the camera when it is raining?
No, DO NOT use the camera under rain since the camera is not water-resistant. Water drops may
get inside the camera and damage the parts.
11. How can I get a hard copy of the User's Manual?
The User's Manual, named Manual.pdf, is provided in the CD-ROM in PDF format. It can be opened
and printed with Acrobat Reader. This program, named areng40.exe, is included in the supplied
CD-ROM. Double-click on the areng40.exe icon and the installation will start automatically. After
installation, double-click the Manual.pdf icon. Acrobat Reader will be launched for you to view the
User's Manual. To print the manual, select File>Print from the pull-down menu.
12. Can I take photos in dark environment?
No, the camera only operates in situations of normal light intensity.
13. Is it a disposable camera?
This is not a disposable camera. You can use it whenever the battery power and memory in the
camera are available.
14. What kind of batteries should I use with this camera?
The use of alkaline batteries is recommended since they last longer and perform better than other
ordinary batteries.
15. Can I use rechargeable batteries?
The use of rechargeable batteries is not recommended since their output voltage is lower than that
of the alkaline batteries. Rechargeable batteries get low battery power easily.
16. What should I do when I get nothing or some weird symbols on the LCD?
Check to see if the batteries are correctly inserted and the battery compartment door is secured. If

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Argus dc 1510 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanôl - 17 pagina's

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