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For your own safety and that of your equipment, always take the following precautions.
Disconnect the power adapter (by pulling the plug, not the cord) if any of the following
conditions exist:
m you spill something into the case or other foreign objects have entered
the equipment
m your equipment is exposed to rain or any other excess moisture
m your equipment has been dropped or the case has been otherwise damaged
m your equipment is emitting smoke, is unusually hot to the touch, is emitting any unusual
odor or noise, or is in any other abnormal state
m you suspect your equipment needs service or repair
m you want to clean the case (use only the recommended procedure described in Chapter 4)
The only way to disconnect power completely is to unplug the power adapter. Make
sure the power adapter is within easy reach so that you can unplug it when you need to.
Be sure to follow these instructions:
m Keep your equipment away from sources of liquids, such as washbasins, bathtubs, shower
stalls, and so on.
m Protect your equipment from dust and dampness or wet weather, such as rain, snow, and
so on.
m Protect your equipment from high temperatures. For example, do not leave the camera in a
sealed vehicle or direct sunlight.
m Always use the camera, the AC adapter, and its accessories in well-ventilated locations.
m Handle and transport the equipment carefully. Do not place the equipment on unstable
m Do not insert foreign objects into the card slot.
m Do not modify or disassemble this equipment. Doing so may cause a fire or electric shock.
m If you are using the AC power adapter, do not touch the power plug during a thunderstorm.
Doing so may cause an electric shock.
m Never use the camera while you are operating a vehicle.
m Do not place the equipment near cooking areas or humidifiers, where it can be affected by
oil fumes or steam. Doing so may cause a fire or
electric shock.
m Read all the installation instructions carefully before you plug the adapter into a wall socket.
m Keep these instructions handy for reference by you and others.
m Follow all instructions and warnings dealing with your system.
Electrical equipment may be hazardous if misused. Operation of this product, or
similar products, must always be supervised by an adult. Do not allow children access to the
interior of any electrical product and do not permit them to handle any cables.
Important Safety Instructions

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Andere handleiding(en) van Apple quick take 200

Apple quick take 200 Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 1 pagina's

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