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PAC 14
Portable Air Conditioning
Operating Instructions
& Safety Guide
Do not lay electrical cables in wet / damp areas.
Do not move equipment whilst operating.
Do not pull equipment by its cable.
It is recommended that electrical equipment is used via a suitable RCD.
Disconnect from the electrical supply before any cleaning or
Clean eternal surfaces with a clean, damp cloth. Do not use solvents.
Check the air filter everywhere every week.
1. Pull forward the front panel (fig 3).
2. The filter may not be removed (fig 4).
The filter may be cleaned in warm soapy water (40°C). RInse and dry
completely before replacing.
Light dust may be vacuumed.
General Safety
Keep children and animals away from air conditioning units.
Never leave them alone in a room where the units in use.
Never operate this equipment if you are ill, feeling tired or under the
influence of alcohol or drugs.
Never put anything on top of the unit or block the air outlets.
Good and correct air flow is essential. Ensure cold air from the unit
does not re-bound off adjacent furniture back into the unit.
The unit will provide the best effect if all windows and doors
remain closed.
Do not use the unit where sunlight is shining directly onto it.
Moisture removed by the air conditioning process is passed to
the external condenser to be re-evaporated. However, in certain
conditions water may drip from condenser base. Take this into
account when siting.
The condenser unit MUST be sited externally. Make sure it is firmly
supported using suitable brackets/chains and must not be allowed
to hang by its flexible lines as this may cause serious damage.
Ensure the lines are free from kinks and severe bends.
The minimum size of extension cable that may be used is 2.5mm
up to a max length of 10metres. If extension cable is of drum type
please ensure it is COMPLETELY unwound otherwise serious
damage may occur.
Careful use of the thermostat will have to be observed. Excessive
and rapid turning between coolest and hottest settings will possible
blow the fuse or cause IRREPARABLE damage to the compressor.
Check condition of equipment before use. If unit is showing signs of
damage contact your supplier immediately.
Electrical Safety
This unit requires a 230 volt electrical supply. It plugs into a standard
BS1363 domestic socket.
Always inspect plugs and leads for damage before plugging into the
Ensure cables are run as not to cause a hazard.
If an extension lead is used, ensure it is of the correct standard , and
fully uncoiled when being used.
Laying Up
Clean surfaces
Clean filter
Stow condenser
Cover to keep clean
Fig. 4
Fig. 3

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