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ET 21 & 25
Portable Air Conditioning
Operating Instructions
& Safety Guide
General Safety
Keep children and animals away from air conditioning units. Never
leave them alone in a room where the units in use.
This equipment should only be used by a competent person who
has read and understood these instructions.
Never operate this equipment if you are ill, feeling tired or under the
influence of alcohol or drugs.
Keep the Air Conditioning vents clear of all obstructions.
Never put anything on top of the unit or block the air outlets.
Make sure equipment is switched off and unplugged after use.
Never leave switched on or unattended.
Do not use the unit where sunlight is shining directly onto it.
Check condition of equipment before use. If unit is showing signs
of damage contact your supplier immediately.
Use a 230V. 50HZ. 1 phase power supply only. (Wrong supply may cause a
fire and / or shock hazard.)
Securely plug into an earthed supply. (Unless earthed, may cause electric shock)
Do not use a damaged power cable, plug or socket. (Short, fire or shock hazard)
Do not remove plug by pulling cable or with wet hands. (Risk of fire and
electric shock)
Before cleaning, remove plug from socket. (Otherwise risk of electric shock)
Do not place anything on top of the machine. (This may cause electric shock,
malfunction or injury)
Do not use an extension lead unless of the approved type. Fully uncoil extension
leads when being used. (Heavy duty, risk of fire and / or electric shock.)
Ensure mains plug is clean and securely plugged in. (Otherwise it may short
causing smoke and fire)
Ensure correct 13 amp fuse is fitted in the plug. (Otherwise malfunction or fire
may result)
Do not ‘kink’ or sharply bend the power cable nor put weight on it. (The
installation may be damaged causing fire and / or electric shock)
Do not turn off by removing power plug. Always turn off at control panel first.
(Risk of electric shock and / or malfunction)
Do not use this cooler on unstable or inclined surfaces. Always use on solid flat
floor. (Risk of falling causing injury, fire or malfunction)
• Ensure the safety of the location in which cooler is to be used.
• Ensure the oor or ground is smooth and sound.
Ensure you allow at least 50cm air space all around the cooler.
• When in position LOCK the casters to prevent rolling.
• Never use the cooler at more than 2º incline.
Do not place cooler on uneven, unstable or inclined surface. (This could cause
When storing the cooler, ensure that it is kept in a dry, cool place. (To prevent
corrosion and malfunction)
If not being used for some time or lighting is present, always unplug from
mains. (To prevent risk of electric shock, short circuit or fire)
Do not spray water on to the cooler nor use solvents such as benzene, thinner
or alcohol for cleaning. (There is a risk of electric shock and / or short circuit)
If the power cable is damaged this must be replaced by a fully qualified
electrician. (To avoid danger of electric shock, short circuit or fire.
Cleaning Maintenance
1. To remove filters, slide up a little and
pull towards you .
2. Clean the filters with water or compressed air.
3. Clean evaporator and condenser units
with a vacuum cleaner or compressed air.
1. After cleaning, completely
dry the inside of the unit by
operating on 'Fan Mode'
only 3 to 4 hours.
2. Turn 'OFF' at control panel,
remove plug from socket.
Coil and store cable neatly.
3. Keep machine suitably
covered to prevent damage
by damp, humidity and dust.

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