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Helpline UK 0844 800 6503 (See page 26 for costs and hours of operation)
Medical equipment
Attention: Never use the telephone in the vicinity of medical
equipment. Effects on such equipment cannot be fully ruled out.
It is recommended that if you have a pacemaker fitted you check with a
medical expert or your health adviser before using this product.
telephones can cause an unpleasant humming sound in
hearing aids.
Earpiece Volume
Your telephone has an amplifying key, which amplifies the earpiece
volume significant if it is pressed. In the display “Boost On“ is flas-
hing. To switch off the activated amplification press the key again.
“Boost On“ disappears. You can switch on the boost function perma-
nantly via the menu (handset: Boost On -> On / desktop telephone:
Settings -> Boost on -> On). On the handset’s display “Boost On“,
and on the desktop telephone’s display the icon appears. By
pressing the amplifying key you can switch off the amplification for
the present call. For the next call it will be on again.
Caution: This telephone is capable of producing very high
volume levels when the amplification is turned on (ampification
key + earpiece volume setting level 5 = +30 dB). Extreme cauti-
on should be taken if the handset is to be shared between users
with normal hearing and those with hearing impairment.
DECT: Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication =
Standard for cordless telephones
In order to dispose of your device, take it to a collection
point provided by your local public waste authorities (e.g.
recycling centre). According to laws on the disposal of
electronic and electrical devices, owners are obliged to
dispose of old electronic and electrical devices in a sepa-
rate waste container.
The adjacent symbol indicates that the device must not be
disposed of in normal domestic waste!
Batteries represent a hazard to both health and the
environment! Never open, damage or swallow batteries,
nor allow them to get into the environment.
They may contain toxic and ecologically hazardous heavy
metals. You are legally obliged to dispose of batteries at
the point of sale or at appropriate collection points provided
by your local public waste authorities. Disposal is free of
charge. The adjacent symbols indicate that batteries must
not be disposed of in normal domestic waste and but at
authorised collection points.
Packaging materials must be disposed of according to
local regulations.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Amplicomms BigTel 480

Amplicomms BigTel 480 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 96 pagina's

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