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Safety Information
Please read this operating instruction manual thoroughly.
Intended use
The telephone is suitable for telephoning within a public tele-
phone network system. Any other use is considered unintended
use. Unauthorised modification or reconstruction is not permit-
ted. Under no circumstances open the device or complete any
repair work yourself.
Installation location
Prevent excessive exposure to smoke, dust, vibration, chemi-
cals, moisture, heat and direct sunlight.
Do not use the handset in potentially explosive areas.
Power adapter plug
Attention: Only use the power adapter plug supplied
because other power supplies could damage the telephone.
The socket outlet should be installed near the equipment and you
should ensure access to the power adapter plug is not obstructed
by furniture or such.
Rechargeable batteries
Attention: Never throw batteries into a fire.
Only use batteries of the same type. Pay attention to the correct
polarity. Incorrect polarity of the batteries represents a risk of
explosion during charging.
Power failure
The telephone cannot be used to make calls in the event of a
power failure. Always keep a cord connected telephone which
operates without an external power supply available in case of
emergency situations.
Medical equipment
Attention: Never use the telephone in the vicinity of medical
equipment. Effects on such equipment cannot be fully ruled out.
It is recommended that if you have a pacemaker fitted you check
with a medical expert or your health adviser before using this
telephones can cause an unpleasant humming sound in
hearing aids.
Earpiece Volume
Your telephone has an amplifying key, which amplifies the ear-
piece volume significant if it is pressed. In the display “Boost
On“ is flashing. To switch off the activated amplification press
the key again. “Boost On“ disappears. The activated amplificati-
on will be switched off automatically whenever the present call
is finished.
In the menu (Handset / Boost On -> On) you can switch on the
amplification permanently. “BOOST ON” will replace the hand-
set name on stand-by screen. By pressing the amplifying key
you can switch off the amplification for the present call. For the
next call it will be on again.
DECT: Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication =
Standard for cordless telephones
Helpline UK 0844 800 6503
(See page 26 for costs and hours of operation)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Amplicomms BigTel 280

Amplicomms BigTel 280 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 88 pagina's

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