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Amcor products have a lower than industry norm failure rate, as we have strict quality
control in our factory. However we are not 100% perfect and occasionally units can fail.
When they do we have a simple returns procedure.
All Amcor products are guaranteed for one-year from date of purchase, on a back to
base principle. A copy of our guarantee page is attached.
Consumers need to keep the till receipt as proof of purchase.
The Amcor Help line number for the UK 020 8 560 4141 appears on the back of each
unit and in the instruction manual.
If a consumer believes the unit to be faulty the first course of action is to phone the
Help line 0208 560 4141. A trained engineer will speak to them. Often we find that this
eliminates 95% of no fault found, as the customer may not be using the product in the
correct manner.
If the engineer believes the unit may be faulty, Amcor will arrange collection by a carrier
from the consumer. The product must be boxed and amply protected to avoid cosmetic
damage in transit. If the consumer is unable to be present to allow for collection, the
boxed unit can be collected from store. Of course Amcor pay the carriage charge.
On reaching Amcor the unit is checked, repaired or replaced, re-boxed and returned
again by carrier to an agreed return address. This process usually takes 5 – 7 working
If the customer returns to store and claims the unit to be faulty we would ask that you
carry out the same procedure as above, particularly with air conditioners, rather than
simply exchange or refund. Again this eliminates the risk that the consumer is not using
the product correctly. However goods returned faulty inside 28 days can be exchanged
– usually faulty goods “dead on arrival” will be returned to store by the consumer within
a few days.
To exchange or refund DOA goods within 28 days stores must call Amcor on 020 8 560
4141 (Monday – Friday 09.00 – 17.30 hrs.) for an authorisation number. If goods need
to be exchanged over a week-end (or late evening) stores must contact Amcor on the
next working day. Amcor will require store details, product details and date of purchase/
Goods returned under 28 day agreement that are found to have significant wear & tear
will not be credited; consequently stores must check purchase and return dates.
Goods returned outside 28 days of purchase will not be authorised for return to Amcor.
Instead we will collect / repair / return the unit under our normal guarantee procedure.
Outside of the guarantee period Amcor are able to service or repair units for a
reasonable cost. Consumers can get details of the cost from the Help line number.
Consumables such as activated carbon filters can be bought directly from Amcor;
payment can be by cheque or credit card.
This guarantee is in addition to the customers’ statutory rights.

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