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Set Up Your Echo Dot
You can place Echo Dot in a variety of locations, including your kitchen counter, your living room,
your bedroom nightstand, or anywhere you want a voice-controlled computer. Echo Dot can be used
without other Alexa devices.
Before you begin using your Echo Dot and the Alexa Voice Service, connect it to a Wi-Fi network, and then register it to
your Amazon account from the Alexa app. To do this, follow the steps below:
1. Download the Alexa app and sign in.
With the free Alexa app, you can set up your device, manage your alarms, music, shopping lists, and more.
The Alexa app is available on phones and tablets with:
Fire OS 2.0 or higher
Android 4.0 or higher
iOS 7.0 or higher
To download the Alexa app, go to the app store on your mobile device and search for "Alexa app." Then select and
download the app. You can also select a link below:
Apple App Store
Google Play
Amazon Appstore
You can also go to https://alexa.amazon.com from Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Internet Explorer (10
or higher) on your Wi-Fi enabled computer.
Note: Kindle Fire (1st Generation), Kindle Fire (2nd Generation), Kindle Fire HD 7” (2nd Generation), and Kindle Fire
HD 8.9” (2nd Generation) tablets do not support the Alexa app.
2. Turn on Echo Dot.
Place your Echo Dot in a central location (at least eight inches from any walls and windows). Then, plug the included
power adapter into Echo Dot and then into a power outlet. The light ring on Echo Dot turns blue, and then orange.
When the light turns orange, Alexa greets you.
Note: Other USB power adapters, like phone chargers, may not provide enough power to Echo Dot.
3. Connect Echo Dot to a Wi-Fi network.
In the Alexa app, follow the instructions to connect Echo Dot to a Wi-Fi network. To learn more, go to:
Connect Echo Dot to Wi-Fi
If the setup process does not automatically start, press and hold the Action button on Echo Dot for five seconds.
Then, open the Alexa app, and go to Settings > Set up a new device.
If Echo Dot doesn't connect to your Wi-Fi network, restart Echo Dot by unplugging and plugging the device in
again. If you still have trouble, reset your Echo Dot to its factory settings and set it up again. To learn more, go to:
o Reset Your Echo Dot (2nd Generation)
4. Talk to Alexa.
You can now use your Echo device. To get started, say the "wake word" and then speak naturally to Alexa.
Your Echo device is set to respond to the wake word "Alexa" by default, but you can use the Alexa app to change the
wake word at any time. In the app, go to Settings, select your Echo device, and then select Wake word.

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