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Your refrigerator was packed carefully for shipment.
Remove and discard shelf packaging and tape. Do not
remove the serial plate.
Measuring the Opening
When installing your refrigerator, measure carefully. 1.3
cm (
2”) of air space should be provided for the top and
back of the refrigerator.
Subflooring or floor coverings (i.e. carpet, tile, wood
floors, rugs) may make your opening smaller than
Some clearance may be gained by using the leveling
procedure under Leveling.
Important: If refrigerator is to be installed into a
recess where the top of the refrigerator is completely
covered, use dimensions from floor to top of hinge cap
to verify proper clearance.
Transporting Your Refrigerator
NEVER transport refrigerator on its side. If an
upright position is not possible, lay refrigerator on its
back. Allow refrigerator to sit upright for
approximately 30 minutes before plugging it in to
assure oil returns to the compressor. Plugging the
refrigerator in immediately may cause damage to
internal parts.
Use an appliance dolly when moving refrigerator.
ALWAYS truck refrigerator from its side or
back–NEVER from its front.
Protect outside finish of refrigerator during transport
by wrapping cabinet in blankets or inserting padding
between the refrigerator and dolly.
Secure refrigerator to dolly firmly with straps or
bungee cords. Thread straps through handles when
possible. Do not over-tighten. Over-tightening
restraints may dent or damage outside finish.
To protect property and refrigerator from
damage, observe the following:
Protect vinyl or other flooring with cardboard, rugs,
or other protective material.
Do not use power tools when performing leveling
To enhance the appearance and maintain performance,
the refrigerator should be level. (side to side)
Materials Needed:
8” hex head driver
Carpenter’s level
1. Remove toe grille.
Grasp firmly and pull
outward to unclip.
To be done by a qualified engineer only.
Contact a qualified engineer to perform this task.
How to Remove and Replace
Door and Hinges
Contact a qualified engineer to perform this task.
How to Connect the Water
Supply (select models)
60 cm deep models
Note: Trim corners of countertop to a 45° angle if
countertop has 25 mm overhang. Provide 5 mm
clearance on both sides of refrigerator, and allow
7 mm on top for ease of installation and leveling.
No minimum clearance is required at the rear of the
Do not install refrigerator near oven, radiator or
other heat source. If not possible, shield refrigerator
with cabinet material.
Do not install where temperature falls below 13° C
or rises above 95° C. Malfunction may occur at this
Refrigerator is designed for indoor household
application only.
• Complete any required water supply connection
before leveling.
• Some models only have adjustment screws (A).

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